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Funny / The Ancient Future Trilogy

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  • Having gathered a sizeable class of students, Tory finds herself dealing with numerous disputes between them, most of them involving relationships. In order to clear the air, she has her students hug their assigned partners "as thee would a wounded child." Naturally, Vortipor and Cara use this as an opportunity to feel each other up, and Tory is quick to comment.
  • During her return to the 20th century, Tory finds that she's pregnant, leaving Maelgwn somewhat nervous at the realization that in this era he'll be expected to attend the birth. Renford assures Maelgwn that there's nothing to fear, even remarking he himself attended the birth of Tory and Brian and would not trade the experience for all the knowledge of the Ancients. Tory and Brian are quite moved by this sentiment... only for Renford to follow this up by cheekily remarking, "Indeed, I have not known a single day as joyous since," and Tory and Brian immediately start looking for cushions to throw at him.
