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Funny / Ray Stevens

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  • In the video for the song "It's Me Again, Margaret", when the police capture him and give him his One Phone Call, he uses it to call Margaret again. The reactions of the officers are a perfect cross between Oh, Crap! and WTF?.
    • At the end of the video, she comes to bail him out and she has with her a live chicken, Cool Whip, a weed eater, and asks the officer how much he wants for his handcuffs.
  • In the song "Santa Claus Is Watching You", he starts listing off presents such as fuel exhaust, mud flaps, and leopard-skin seat covers.
    • When he lists the names of the reindeer, he says names like Leon and Cletus… and Clyde.
  • "Power Tools". He keeps causing more harm than good when trying to fix things with said tools, and ends up in the hospital. Cue him getting caught in his power bed at the hospital…
    Ray: Hello Honey, don't be alarmed, just quietly evacuate the neighborhood and call the bomb-squad.
  • The "How come you're singing everything I sing?" exchange in "Moonlight Special".
  • "Too Drunk To Fish". Harold got so drunk he thought an anchor line was a snake, panicked, grabbed a shotgun and blew a hole in the bottom of the boat.
  • Ray's rendition of "Help Me Make It Through The Night". That is all.
  • “Nightmare Before Christmas” takes Political Overcorrectness and turns it up to eleven.
  • The climax of "Hugo the Human Cannonball" is rife with Black Comedy.
    Ray: But at the apex of his trajectory, he (Hugo) knew he was going to miss the net! Arms flailing, he kept on sailing, a terrified screaming creature, and the crowd scattered as Hugo splattered all over the upper bleachers!
    (Loud crash followed by horrified shrieks)
    Ray: In the aftermath of the tragedy, disbelief filled every face. There was Hugo... And There was Hugo? There was Hugo, all over the place! Blech!
  • "Eric the Awful" is overall really funny, though the best part is where we find out what Eric did after he retired from being a viking.
    Ray: Eric amassed a small fortune in his later years posing for Molly Hatchet album covers and doing stunt work for Arnold Schwarzenegger, then Conan the Barbarian. Oh yes! And he also won an academy award for his dual role as a train wreck and his tender portrayal of King Kong's daddy. You might remember that one, there wasn't a dry eye in the house when he married the Empire State Building! Ohhh yes! He had too! It was a wonderful experience! Oohoo! Woohoo! Marvelous! (Excited speech devolves into random gibberish)
    • And before that we find out the vile villainous Eric's descendants can still be found today, working for the IRS.
    • The music video adds some extra funniness with Eric being The Napoleon.
  • From "The Streak": Every shout of "DON'T LOOK, ETHEL!", followed by the eyewitness finding a new way to describe how Ethel passed out.
    • The twist ending in the final verse were Ethel joins the streaker in running around while baring all, leading to Ethel's husband irately admonishing his wife.
    Husbad: Ethel, you shameless hussy!
