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Funny / Mobile Suit Gundam

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  • Fraw Bow giving a Zeon pilot a flirty wink while Jetpacking back to White Base. His C.O.'s expression is classic.
  • Pretty much any time Bright yanks a printed message out of Sayla's hands before she can read it, and the ensuing Death Glare she gives him.
    • Speaking of Sayla's death glares, there's this exchange between her and Mirai while the latter is trying to command White Base in Bright's absence, rather poorly:
    Mirai: As a commander, Sayla, how should I behave at this time?
    Sayla: *says nothing and just stares at her*
    Mirai: ...I'm sorry, forget I even asked.
  • Ramba Ral's soldiers arrival on Earth with a Zanzibar-class cruiser. Having lived their entire lives in space colonies, they've never seen a thunderstorm before.
    Zeon Soldier: Lieutenant! It's a new Feddie weapon!
    Ramba Ral: Don't panic! It's called lightning!
    • Making it funnier, the same thing was happening on the White Base.
  • "Don't say anything." "Vy not?!"
  • When the White Base's crew arrives in Jaburo, they undergo a physical exam. The children don't want any part of it, but when Kikka opens her mouth to let out a scream...
    Doctor: Good, no cavities!
  • In one of the movies (and anime ep. 42), a Zaku kicks a Ball to take out a GM. Cue various soccer jokes, seen here (Warning: ads may be NSFW)
  • The infamous shower scene between Char and Garma. It has to be heard to be believed!
  • In episode 33, as Cameron's shuttle is passing by White Base's bridge, Mirai gives him what was intended to be a wave goodbye, but due to some wonky animation it kind of just looks like she's flipping him off.
    • In an earlier episode, Cameron is begging Mirai to leave White Base and stay with him, edging close to assaulting her. Sleggar arrives to Mirai's defense, but not before taking Cameron's glasses off to punch the guy cleanly.
  • In a space battle, a Zaku II commander is shown shoving a grunt Zaku out into the battle, while notably staying behind in the hatch they emerged from. A second later a missile flies into the hatch, obliterating the coward.
