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Funny / Lord Peter Wimsey

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Books with their own pages:


  • The Dowager Duchess' letter in the beginning of A Presumption of Death.
  • In The Incredible Elopement of Lord Peter Wimsey, the Magician (aka Lord Peter) draws on all the Greek and Roman literature he remembers for fake incantations.
  • In Busman's Honeymoon, Harriet jokes that she wished she'd married Bunter. Peter's response:
    "Bride's wedding night confession! Titled clubman slays valet and self!"
    • Later, one of their new acquaintances refers to his own honeymoon in Blackpool, causing Peter to realize that they'd missed an opportunity:
      Peter: Brides in the bath! Harriet, we never even thought...
      Harriet: Monster. Do your worst! It's nothing but hip baths here.
  • During the wedding reception in Busman's Honeymoon, the swarming reporters are locked in a side room and told "his Lordship will see [them] shortly." Then, after a short interval, his Lordship arrives: Lord Wellwater of the Foreign Office, who forces them to listen to a long lecture on the international situation while Peter and Harriet slip out the back.
  • Miss Climpson's Zany Scheme in Strong Poison involves using an Ouija board to impersonate another woman's lost lover.
    "Ah, but I had my duty to think of. Remember who came between us."
    "Yes. F-A-T-H-E-"
    "No, no, Harry! It was mo-"
    "-A-D!" concluded the table, triumphantly.
