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Funny / Lego Star Wars Battles

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Despite being a mobile game, Lego Star Wars Battles has a very similar sense of humor to it's console bound big brothers.

  • The game describes Vader as being committed to the "Ultimate Bad Guy lifestyle."
  • Likewise, it describes Luke as, among other things, a Tosche Station frequenter and a scourge of womp rats, stating "you may have heard of him."
  • Like literally everyone else, the game is merciless against Stormtroopers:
    Look up 'disposable' in the dictionary, and you'll find a picture of these guys.
    The Stormtrooper's Very own Description
    Avoids the Stormtrooper curse of being a terrible shot by burning everything with wild abandon.
    Dark Side Flame Tower Description
  • Remember the (in)famously memetic Yoda death sound from Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga? It's back.
  • Meanwhile, Stormtroopers have had their death sound replaced with a Wilhelm Scream.
  • The game lampshades the fact that, despite being first seen in the movies deployed on Hoth, probe droids are painted black.
  • Moroff's description delivers the best (or worst) pun in the game by informing us to not confuse him with his cousin Lessof.
    • Even better: somebody on Wookiepedia actually went and made a page for Lessof.
  • The description for the Ewok Treehouse tower, which calls you out for sending Ewoks into battle (something you will likely do quite frequently considering how good they are).
    Regularly ejects small, cuddly creatures onto a laser-strewn battlefield. Rather cruel, really.
  • Darth Vader's losing animation feature him throwing a tantrum.
  • The game has a very low opinion of the Rebel Commando's taste in hat.
  • A bit of amusing irony: the voice clip the Rebel Commandos use is actually taken from something a Stormtrooper.
  • When the Dark Side is chosen, one of the messages is:
    "Are we the bad guys?"
  • Due to the fact that Darth Vader can only hit one enemy at a time and that there are about 8 or 9 porgs per unit, it's entirely possible to defeat Darth Vader with just Porgs.
