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Funny / Legend (2015)

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  • At Reggie and Frances' wedding, the mother of the bride has been protesting the entire affair by wearing black and pointedly refusing to sing along with the hymns. This quickly gets on Ron's nerves: while Reggie and Francis are still at the altar, he storms over to her, jabs a finger in her face, and says — loud enough to be heard by everyone in the church — this.
    • Doubly funny is the fact that Elsie Shea refuses to respond in any way to Ron's temper tantrum.
  • Arguably the film's Signature Scene: A group of gangsters corner Ron and Reggie in a pub, leading Ron to scream at them in fury and storm out of the pub. The reason? Is he angry that they would dare to come against him? No. He finds their choice of weapons subpar, is gravely offended, and is shocked that they can't even be trusted to have a good scrap with him. (His flying into a rage also has a tactical purpose, allowing him to flank and ambush the gangsters when the fight kicks off.)
    Ron: What is that?
    Gangster: What do you think, poof? It's a fucking tool.
    Ron: No it's not, it's a fucking rolling pin. Who are you, Fanny Craddock? What you gonna do with that, bake me cake? Gonna sing me a song, watch me blow out me fucking candles? (lifts what appear to be two revolver barrels in his coat pockets) I've come here for a fucking shootout, right? A proper shootout with some proper men. Like Colonel Custer and Geronimo, you ever heard of them? No. Cause you were too busy in your pinny baking fucking fairy cakes, weren't ya? [turns to Reggie] Reg. This lot are fucking nonces to a man, they're fucking nonces. [goes to leave, brushing an armed man aside] Get out of me fucking way, go on, get out, go on, fuck off. Call yourself a fucking gangster. [turns as he's about to leave] A SHOOTOUT, RIGHT, IS A FUCKING SHOOTOUT! (pause) Like a Western. WANKERS! Fucking embarrassing, wasting my time. Fucking WASTE OF MY TIME! [storms out]
    Gangster: [smugly] Your brother's just done a runner.
    Reggie: No, he's just genuinely disappointed with ya, that's all. (holds up his Guinness) Look at that. Full of iron, that is.
    • Adding to the humour: As Ron says "Like a Western", a Western-style stock cue starts playing, only to be cut short by the word "WANKERS".
    • When the fight is won Ronnie is still laying into a few of them with his hammers. All Reg can do is wince as he sips his pint.
  • The fight between Reg and Ronnie in the club has a few moments:
    • When they finally come to blows Reg keeps pointing at him and saying "No!" like a parent chastising a child.
    • Ronnie picks up a bottle but then puts it down after Reg warns him.
    • Reg is pushed up the wall by Ronnie holding his testicles.
      Reggie: Never mess with a man’s jewels, mate…
    • Ronnie lets out some extraordinary screams when Reg breaks his nose.
  • When Ronnie stalks into the Blind Beggar, George Cornell jeers "well, look what the cat dragged in!" — to which Ronnie kills him with a single Luger shot, the bullet visibly exploding out the back of his head. Somehow, George doesn't instantly die, and his response? He scoffs derisively, like a bully who's gotten exactly the response he wanted, and keels over dead. You almost expect him to finish his pint first.
    • Where does Ronnie go after killing a man in cold blood? Back to Mum's for a cuppa and some cake. Reg is not only incredulous that they're hashing out Ron's stupid mistake in the family sitting room with their mother just out of earshot, but staring daggers at Teddy and Ian Barrie for doing a piss-poor job of trying to look casual around Violet.
      Reggie: ...Where's the weapon?
      Teddy: [Holding out the murder weapon for Reggie to inspect] S'here, Reg.
      [Reggie angrily motions for him to put it back; Teddy manages to hide it in his lap as Violet comes back from the kitchen with their tea]
