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Funny / Ice Age: Scrat Tales

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According to Blue Sky Studios, these, as they say, are the funniest Scrat scenes that have ever been put to the screen. You'll be here a while.
  • Just the whole premise of Scrat and Baby Scrat's relationship. While they love each other very much, they are often bickering over ownership of the prized acorn, rather in a chaotic fashion. For so much disharmony between them, the fact that they still love each other is hilarious, yet heartwarming.

Episode 1- Nuts About You

  • Scrat's montage of him playing with Baby Scrat for the first time. It's hilarious, adorable, and heartwarming at the same time.
  • Scrat playing peek-a-boo with Baby Scrat is cute enough as it is (seeing Baby Scrat get confused looking for his father's covered-up face, specifically), but what makes the scene hilarious is that Baby Scrat also covers his face, and SCRAT (the grown-up) gets flustered and confused on where his son is!
  • Scrat tries to put a diaper on Baby Scrat, but it snaps off, and only then does Baby Scrat decide to take a leak, right in Scrat's eyeball!
    • Made funnier in the next scene, Scrat's eye is still red from it!
      • And during the scene with the constellation of Scrat and Baby Scrat, a shooting star shoots out of constellation Baby Scrat's crotch, making constellation Scrat's eye red!
  • Scrat's reaction when he sees Baby Scrat with the acorn for the first time. His brain launches into chaos, making him become VERY conflicted. Scrat's natural instincts for acorns make him become extremely jealous and frustrated that Baby Scrat has the acorn, though his paternal instincts make him laugh at how adorable it is that Baby Scrat is turning out to be more like him. Abruptly back and forth, Scrat goes from his natural instincts to paternal instincts, laughing and growling almost at the same time! If only Jekyll and Hyde were this hilarious!

Episode 2- Lofi Scrat Beats to Sleep/Chill to

  • The title card is hilarious to look at.
  • While Scrat is trying to get Baby Scrat to get sleep for the night so he can hold onto the acorn while Baby Scrat is out, Baby Scrat likes the sounds that are made when certain things are bumped against Scrat, sounding like music. Scrat decides to play a small "lullaby" to get his adopted child to sleep. In order to make more music, Baby Scrat pulls out various different objects that he believes will sound good when they are bumped against Scrat...and they are all EXTREMELY PAINFUL OBJECTS, including (but not limited to) a CACTUS, a WASP NEST, and a FROZEN PREHISTORIC ELECTRIC EEL. Poor Scrat—for a toddler, Baby Scrat can be extremely physically demanding!
    • Scrat's reactions when he sees each object. When he sees the cactus, he freezes in horror and shakes his head, as if saying "Absolutely not!" But since Baby Scrat won't go to sleep without the music, Scrat miserably takes the cactus and sighs to himself, with a tone that just screams, "This is gonna suck; big-time."

Episode 4- Nutty Reflections

  • While chasing after the acorn (mainly arguing to see who gets it first) into a cave, Scrat and Baby Scrat get briefly distracted by their reflections on an ice wall in the cave. The reflection is distorted, like a funhouse mirror. Finding it humorous, Scrat starts making silly faces at it, and baby Scrat joins in babbling at it too. The two laugh hysterically about it. Also doubles as heartwarming, showing that their rivalry is not constant.

Episode 5- Teeter Toddler
