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Funny / Enola Holmes 2

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  • Of course the opening has Enola running from the bobbies, because, why wouldn't she be? Then she decides to tell the audience how this happened.
  • Enola's Failure Montage as she tries to get clients, from her insisting that the Tewkesbury case was hers and that she knows jujitsu, complete with hand movements and breathy noises.
  • Enola follows Mae after work ends at the match factory and to avoid detection has to hastily link arms with a gentleman who quickly declares in a scandalised tone, "Young lady, I'm a married man!"
  • Just as it looks as if Enola is going to be forced to defend herself from a sinister man following her, she is surprised by a man being tossed out of a pub in front of her. That man? "SHERLOCK?!"
  • Drunk Sherlock is quite something, from his explanation of why he was thrown out (a disagreement over whose wine he was drinking), to the fact he says it's not safe for Enola to be out due to scary people. Enola then has to drag him home to 221B Baker Street where she wasn't aware he lived upstairs and has to explain to the audience that Sherlock is "medievally heavy", like "a dead horse, atop another dead horse" as she struggles to direct him up the steps.
    • What really sells it is Henry Cavill looking completely out of it as Millie Bobby Brown either looks at the camera desperately or struggles under his weight. The Behind the Scenes footage on YouTube makes for more laughs.
    • Enola tries to help Sherlock into his rooms, but he insists he's capable, only to fling his cane into something glass that promptly breaks, then takes his coat off with a triumphant and proud "HA!" as it he's proved himself. Only to then collapse into a chaise claiming he's thinking, insist she not touch anything, not to go into another room and finally drop off into a drunken sleep. Enola of course disobeys and snoops.
  • Enola is clearly excited at finally seeing her brother's famous home at 221B Baker Street. However, Sherlock doesn't keep an orderly home, yet assures his sister everything is in its proper place when she claims "Oh, but it's such a mess!". He's also only fairly certain the Dundee cake he gives Enola isn't moldy.
    • Enola gets woken the next morning but an annoyed Sherlock claiming she moved everything. She thinks it looks the same, even as her brother starts slightly shifting paper back to where they're supposed to be in the background.
  • The moment that neither Enola nor Sherlock wants to talk about what they're doing professionally they descend into standard childish sibling bickering and talking over each other despite their age difference.
  • Having left Sherlock, Enola goes to Hyde Park and is ranting to the camera when Tewkesbury comes by and finds her. She goes completely bug-eyed with cake hanging out her mouth.
  • Upon figuring out the clue in the letter from the theatre, Enola squeals in triumph in the middle of the park, which prompts a dog to bark, baby to cry and woman to tell her off indignantly.
  • Once Enola realises that she's not going to get anywhere with Superintendent Grail, what does she do? Groin Attack. Lestrade's response is a bemused, "Now why would she do that?" as Grail is lying on the ground in agony.
  • The book of etiquette that flashes on screen as Enola prepares of the Matchmakers ball, complete with crude drawings and appropriate raspberry blowing when it comes to the page on making conversation, showing you exactly what she thinks of society. Of course, it comes back to bite her later.
  • Mira Troy gives Enola her fan after explaining fan language. Enola starts messing around with it, and accidentally invites a boy over. The poor boy looks devastated when she hastily shoos him away by waving the fan wildly.
  • "Don't touch the ginger cake, it plays hopscotch with your bowels!"
  • Edith casually telling Sherlock that not only was she going to break his legs for coming into her studio in the middle of the night, but she only recognised him because of his shoulders. "You have very recognisable shoulders."
  • Enola's smirking glee when she realises that she hurt Sherlock in their scuffle in the match factory whilst she was not hurt.
  • Sherlock tells Enola that "your boy has learned how to fight," and tosses down a newspaper with a headline announcing that Lord MacIntyre has been arrested.
    Enola: Indeed. (Realizes what she just said) He's not my boy.
