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Funny / Be My Princess

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  • In Keith's wedding sequel, they decide to produce collectible merchandise to release as part of the wedding celebration. Keith, struck by inspiration, insists on coming up with a design for hand towels - an incredibly tacky and overdone design emblazoned with the words "4 Eva Love". Nobody else present can find a single good thing to say about it, and Keith is so obviously proud of it that all of them, except for Laura, spend several minutes desperately trying to find a way to break it to Keith gently enough to avoid sending him into a temper.
    • The kicker comes later, on the day of the wedding: the protagonist is stunned to learn that Keith's hand towels, which they ended up releasing along with the more tasteful coffee mug they came up with, have completely sold out. As the royal couple are paraded down the streets of Liberty Kingdom, she sees many onlookers happily waving the towels like flags.
  • In the GREE version, Keith spots the protagonist crying in the garden, and informs her that soppiness doesn't suit her:
    Keith: You're not some meek little bunny. You ought to be fierce and unexpected. Like a raccoon. Maybe one with rabies.
  • Jan is an absolute master at handling Joshua, and is not above using his powers for evil. Like convincing his somewhat sheltered master that a bright red bobble hat is a traditional disguise.
  • In Yakov's route, Sergei is none too pleased with the protagonist's presence and quickly makes it clear to her that she's not welcome in the castle. The protagonist is stressed out by Sergei's hostility, until she comes to a realization:
    Protagonist: (He's like the mother-in-law who bullies the wife in those soaps my mom watches!)
