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Funny / Aru Shah and the End of Time

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Like the other Riordan-related demigod series, the Pandava Quartet has its fair share of comedy.

  • The procedure for entering the Night Bazaar strongly resembles airport security, including a requirement for visitors to take their shoes off. When Aru does so,the rakshasa guard is so certain that Aru's human feet are fake that it immediately alerts its superiors.

  • Boo, the Pandavas’ pigeon-bodied mentor and helper … also becomes a serious Oreo addict.

  • According to Wish and Time in the realm of Reincarnation, a demon was reincarnated as a certain orange-skinned bad-haired politician...

  • Brynne is accosted for carrying salt with her. (spoiler: "The naga picked through Brynne’s stuff. “Why did you pack salt? You are aware that this could be construed by some species of the underwater worlds as an act of aggression?”')

  • One of the ending chapters describes how Boo, after a neighborhood cat stole two of his tail feathers, starts running after said cat yelling about his insulted honor.

  • Aru and Aiden being introduced. After failing to think of anything to say, poor Aru blurts out "I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE" before running away in embarrassment.

  • Roshani Chokshi's narrative glossary over various Hindu gods, goddesses, and other ilk is guaranteed to produce laughs.

  • Aru has a snarky sense of humor as well as a geeky, Punny sense of humor. Lots of diverse humor can be found in her thoughts.

  • After learning that she can breathe underwater, Aru asks a nearby fish if he has any coconuts, and to her shock, he replies a perfect answer, in a British accent, no less.

  • Varuna and Varuni argue like husband and wife, in which the former acts the part of the internet obsessed spouse.

  • A varana mistakenly thinks that Aiden and Aru are going to be married, and tries to give them a makeover before the other Potatoes correct him.

  • Aru is grounded from going downstairs during the preparation for her birthday, and is blown back by a VERY MYSTERIOUS wind when attempting to do so.

  • In a Pandava training session, Mini and Brynne (with some prompting from Aru) manage to twist one of Boo’s admonitions into a segue for an impromptu chorus of Be a Man, much to Boo’s chagrin.
