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Fridge / Zombidle

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Bob's damage output is quickly overshadowed by his minions' damage, and in fact pretty much needs Golden Shower of Deathness in order to get any significant click damage output. After all, the strength of the Necromancer lies with their huge undead army.
    • Later on however, with a significant investment of items and buildings (especially Golden Shower of Deathness, and Pearl Necklaces to improve the timer on Sloth's Form), Bob's damage will vastly outstrip that of his minions. This mirrors the progression of a D&D necromancer perfectly - Early on they are very weak and rely on minions to do their fighting, but at higher levels the necromancer is the biggest threat on the battlefield and their army is just a meat shield.
  • It may seem that the Black Lich's feelings for the Succubus may be unrequited, but there's more to this. One of the Devil Deals that the Succubus can give out is "Skip 4 hours of craft time!", basically making his life easier by lessening his work. She's actually helping him out, just in a more subtle way!
    • Succubus is a demon of temptation. Even if she likes the Black Lich she can't let him know that or she'd no longer be a temptation to him. By spending all her time and affection on Carl, who she can't tempt anyway and who likely has no concept of romance, she makes herself even more off-limits for the Lich, and thus even more of a temptation, while also giving him a motivation - Jealousy - to keep pursuing her.
  • Why do all of the Gonzoland unique event items increase Carl's and only Carl's capability? If you notice the loading title screen for the event, Carl is about to be shot out of a Toss the Turtle cannon. In Toss the Turtle, you buy upgrades for the turtle and the cannon with cash, and since Carl is the "turtle" in this case, the upgrades are for him.
  • Maurice the Snail clearly has a male name, yet lays eggs that hatch into Nasty items. Not a surprise since snails in real life are hermaphroditic.
