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Fridge / Star Trek Voyager S 6 E 23 Fury

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  • Deliberately or by coincidence, this episode appears to have a few Call Backs to "Before and After".
    • Right before Kes kills B'Elanna, she glares smugly at her, like it's something personal. Seems Kes changed her mind about letting B'Elanna get the Happily Ever After with Tom.
    • And how is Kes able to do her time-traveling in "Fury" in the first place? No explanation is given, other than her somehow managing to use power from the warp core. But "Before and After" established that she had tachyons in her body, left over from that alternate future. In her evolved state, Kes must've found out how to use those tachyons to her advantage. And while she's doing exactly that, is when she kills B'Elanna.
  • Tuvok's premonitions could go worlds to explaining Janeway's later confidence that Seven could become a trusted member of the crew, and later, that Seven would be successful as a mentor to the Borg children.
  • Carrying the knowledge of this incident might, ironically, have been part of the reason why Kes left Voyager when her powers started to get out of control. She knew she was capable of hurting her friends, and in trying to protect them from her, fed into the Causality Loop.
