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Fridge / Dinosaur Sanctuary

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Fridge Brilliance

  • In this universe, Jurassic Park still ended up being made in spite of living dinosaurs being discovered in the 1940s and resurrection of extinct species becoming accomplished in the late 1980s. However, given the theme of Jurassic Park is about science going wrong, it's probable that Michael Crichton considered the project of resurrected dinosaurs controversial and wrote the novel to address it. Perhaps his views were considered to have been vindicated after the fateful incident in 2006.
  • While it's never established for most species whether they come from the island or cloning, the Dilophosaurus is an exception that is explicitly stated to be one of the cloned animals. This makes sense, as it’s one of the oldest species seen in the park, and went extinct long before the Cretaceous came to an end. It would also explain why Jurassic Park still depicted it with a frill and venomous spit; the genus likely wasn't revived yet in the early 1990s.
    • Similarly, Tyrannosaurus is confirmed to be among the dinosaurs from the island (as Hanako was born a couple years before the breakthrough in genetic-engineering in 1987), fitting for one of the non-avian dinosaurs that lived at the end of the Cretaceous.
  • The BAND (Birds Are Not Dinosaurs) movement is implied to still exist in this timeline, despite the presence of living dinosaurs providing more than enough evidence that birds are dinosaurs. Barakan Island was discovered 20 years after Gerhard Heilmann had written The Origin of Birds (the infamous book that caused scientists to push aside the dinosaur-bird connection theory for much of the 20th Century). The influence of the book would still be lingering on in the public's mind, along with Taxonomic Term Confusion.
  • The encounter between the escaped Velociraptor and the raccoon is quite fitting as both animals are not native to Japan, with the latter being introduced there in the 1970s as exotic pets.

Fridge Horror

  • Given the Jurassic Park franchise exists in this universe, it would have lent a hand in the public opinion against dinosaur zoos that stirred as a result of the 2006 incident and instilled more fear of dinosaurs. Not to mention Jurassic World may have been based on this incident.
    • Such a thing has certainly happened before in real life, with Jaws having stoked an already existent fear of sharks in the general public. It's not at all implausible to assume Jurassic Park did the same for dinosaurs in this universe.
