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Fridge / Casper the Friendly Ghost

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Fridge Horror

  • The whole little boy ghost concept was apparently conceived without anyone considering that he would presumably have to be a dead child. Harvey Comics spent decades trying to backpedal away from this macabre implication, retconning ghosts as a type of supernatural creature rather than spirits of the dead. For many years, if anyone asked how Casper died, the official answer would be that his parents were ghosts when they married. Then came the 1995 feature film, which explicitly portrayed him as a dead child, even giving a backstory that explained he died after playing out in the cold for too long. Since then, however, most Casper media has quietly returned to downplaying any implication of him being a dead child.
  • The implication that, at least in some stories, ghosts are dead people who are now given the job of scaring people becomes a lot less fun and games once one grows older and learns of all the many evil men and women who have long since died...
