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Film / Duel With The Devils

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A 1977 Taiwanese action drama directed by Pai Lin that has a man (Tao Liang Tan) waging a one-man war on Japanese soldiers after his wife is kidnapped and parents are murdered.

The movie also stars Chun Erh Lung, Angela Mao, Hung Ki Chang, Chin Chu Chen, Fu Hsiung Cheng, and Hsi Keng Cheng.

Tropes for the film:

  • Dual Boss: In the climax, Tan has to scale a tower with enemies on each level, the second which is guarded by two Giant Mook wrestlers.
  • It's All Upstairs From Here: The climax is set in a pagoda, where Tan has to scale one level after another, battling, in order, an English fencer, a Dual Boss Mongolian wrestlers, an Indian Yoga expert, a Japanese karate fighter, and the Big Bad.
  • Killer Yo-Yo: The movie has Tan fighting a katana-wielding enemy with a yoyo. And winning. To be fair, the yoyo in question is made of Razor Floss.
  • Knife Outline: Tan fights a rival knife expert who uses a whole bunch of flung knives on the hero. Who proceeds to turn the tide of battle and pin his enemy to the wall behind him with his own knives.
  • William Telling: The film has a scene with the apple-split-by-arrow variety.
