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Film / Blindfold (1966)

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Blindfold is a 1966 American romantic comedy/spy thriller film directed by Philip Dunne.

The psychiatrist Dr. Bartholomew Snow (Rock Hudson) is requested to assist the US government by General Pratt (Jack Warden) to help a theoretical physicist, Arthur Vincenti (Alejandro Rey), who's had a mental breakdown and is being targeted by enemy forces for his knowledge. Though Snow is initially dismissive of Pratt's emphasis on secrecy and security, he soon has to deal with the shady James Fitzpatrick (Guy Stockwell), who wants to know Vincenti's location and sell him off to the highest bidder. Snow also becomes romantically entangled with Vincenti's concerned yet spirited sister Vicky (Claudia Cardinale).


  • Blindfolded Trip: As part of General Pratt's security measures, Snow is made to wear a blindfold whenever he's brought to see Vincenti so that he doesn't know the way there. It has its desired effect; when Fitzpatrick uses torture to try to get Snow to spill Vincenti's location, Snow honestly can't say where it is since he legitimately doesn't know.
  • Crash-Into Hello: How Snow and Vicky meet; she rides her bike straight into him while he's riding his horse. This is invoked on her part so she can confront him over her kidnapped brother, but it leads to them having a romance anyhow.
  • Destination Defenestration: Vicky sends one of Fitzpatrick's mooks out a window with a well-placed kick.
  • Dramatic Stutter: Fitzpatrick boasts that he used to stutter but managed to conquer it by himself. Snow believes it'll come back when he's under strain, and he's proven right as Fitzpatrick does indeed stutter whenever he's surprised or in a stressful situation.
  • Nobody Here but Us Statues: Snow and Vicky hide from the cops by getting in the back of her uncle's truck and pretending to be part of two rows of mannequins.
  • Quicksand Sucks: While Snow and Vicky try to reach Base X on the back of a mule, the animal suddenly stops and refuses to go any further. Snow tries to advance on his own, only to fall into a quicksand pit, which Vicky and the mule get him out of. It's later used to dispatch Fitzpatrick for good.
  • Rambunctious Italian: Vicky is clearly Italian and prone to acting impulsive and flying off the handle.
  • Sassy Secretary: Snow's secretary Smitty isn't afraid of cracking wise to her boss, especially when it comes to his disappointing love life.
