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Fanon Pokedex / Xurkitree

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Xurkitree (dubbed UB-03 Lightning by the Aether Foundation Science Team)

Morphs [Oak Catalog #]

  • Xurkitree [796]

Physical Description(s)

As with all other Ultra Beasts Xurkitree was thought to be an urban legend prior to the Aether Incident.

Of the Ultra Beasts we are aware of, Xurkitree is quite possibly one of the strangest ones in appearance. According to the (admittedly rather choppy) footage released following the Aether Incident, Xurkitree seems to be comprised of a strange assortment of wires and cables twisted into a vaguely humanoid shape. All of the cables connect at the spiky, white, featureless head which appears to be the only organic part of the creature. The Pokèmon has a "tail" that ends in something resembling a plug. Said tail has been observed to work as a sort of third leg that allows the Pokèmon to stabilize itself.

The "wires" that make up Xurkitree's body appear to be held tightly together by objects that look like "twisty ties". Near the end of the Pokèmon's arms(?) the "wires" appear to have been stripped of the "rubber" that encased them up until that point, thus forming hands. The feet, meanwhile, have claw like golden protrusions that we can only assume to be exactly what they look like.

There have been inconsistent reports on the size of the creature, while almost all Xurkitree sightings have reported the creatures being about the size of an adult human, the documents released after the Aether Incident state that it can grow to, and maybe exceed, the height of Prism Tower in Lumiose City.

There are rumors that a blue colored version of this Pokèmon exist as well.

Notable Biology

The biology of Xurkitree is very confusing. Unlike most Pokèmon resembling household objects, Xurkitree seems to be completely natural in origin. It is speculated that the Pokèmon "feeds" on electricity via it's "head" and that it's wires serve a secondary purpose to ground it while it "feeds."

According to Wicke ****, the Pokèmon possesses an organ that can discharge massive amounts of electricity at once. Given that the rest of the Pokemon is seemingly inorganic, the only logical place this organ could be is it's "head."

Due to its alien biology, Xurkitree is considered genderless.


Xurkitree lives in an alternate dimension dubbed "Ultra Space" by the Aether Foundation science team. The specific area within Ultra Space that Xurkitree lives in has been dubbed "Ultra Plant". It is unknown if life forms other than Xurkitree and the other native Pokémon live in Ultra Space.

Ultra Plant is a rocky, almost depressingly dark plane with occasional large rock outcroppings. The sky is constantly filled with thunderclouds, though it seems that it never rains. Instead the thunder clouds generate a large number of lightning strikes that the Xurkitree "feed" on.

Most technology, excluding Pokèballs, will short out upon entering Ultra Space. As such, if you enter Ultra Space you will be unable to call for help if you get lost or are otherwise unable to get back to Normal Space.

While there have only been two Xurkitree spotted in Normal Space, there are reportedly many in Ultra Space, almost to the same level as Rattata and Zubat in Normal Space.

There seems to be no relation between Ultra Space and the Distortion World, where Giratina lives.


Xurkitree has not been observed to eat anything but has been speculated to “feed” on electricity.


As with all Ultra Beasts, Xurkitree is very dangerous. Approaching it without heavy protection is not advised. The Pokèmon is capable of generating large amounts of electricity and could very easily kill a human. The Pokèmon's wires can be used like tentacles to constrict and choke a creature to death. Getting hit by them isn’t very pleasant either. If one absolutely must approach the creature, it would be prudent to bring Pokèmon with an advantage against Electric-Types.

Courting and Childrearing

It is completely unknown how Xurkitree reproduce, if they reproduce at all.

Social Structure

Xurkitree appear to be solitary creatures that have never been observed interacting with each other.

In Human Culture

While the Pokèmon was still considered a myth, it inspired an author to write a book about a special Pokèmon powered machine that keeps an old man from dying until one day when it broke down.

This Article written by BackSet1 who almost got arrested sneaking into Aether Paradise.
