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Fanfic / The WHA-verse

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The WHA-verse is the name given to a series of Rhythm Heaven fanfics published by FunkyMonkey523. The fics chronicle the life and times of the Tap Trial girl, Hakuko as she is known here, as she gets involved with a variety of situations involving her fellow Rhythm League members.

The stories in the WHA-verse are as follows:



  • What Happened After: The Story of a Rhythm Master - The one that started it all, and the one from which the series derives its name. Focuses on the aftermath of the Rhythm Masters’ elimination from the King for Another Day Tournament, and the events that occur as a result when Hakuko returns to the Rhythm Heaven world. During the 22/01/23 FunkyMonkey Direct, it was announced that the sixth chapter would be split off into its own story, and a new epilogue chapter was in development. During the 19/9/23 FunkyMonkey Direct, a full remaster was announced in addition to the new chapter.
  • My Sweet Butterfly - A sequel to What Happened After taking place between chapters 5 and 6. Focuses on MC Adore being revealed as autistic, and how Hakuko and company help her to accept herself.
  • Duncan Family Story - Announced during the 22/01/23 FunkyMonkey Direct, this story (as the name suggests) focuses on the Duncan sisters, Tori and Zoe, as they deal with a number of situations revolving around their family.

Supplementary materials

  • Random WHA-verse Bullshit I Did for Fun - Features a variety of content related to the WHA-verse, including non-canon incorrect quotes and a section dedicated to worldbuilding.

In development

  • Unnamed DFS side stories - Announced during the 19/9/23 FunkyMonkey Direct. A series of Interquel stories taking place from the perspective of each individual member of the Duncan family.
  • My Housemate's a Nonbinary Fisherperson - Announced during the same FunkyMonkey Direct as DFS, this story features Ann Glerr and Robin (from the DS version of The Dazzles), as well as a number of other characters.
  • Standalone retool of What Happened After Chapter 6
  • "WHA-verse What-Ifs" - A series of What If? stories.
  • Bite-Sized WHA-verse - A subseries of smaller Interquel stories with lower stakes. Announcd during the 6/3/24 FunkyMonkey Direct.

The stories can be found on Archive of Our Own here, on Wattpad here, and on DeviantArt here. The writer frequently mentions the stories on his YouTube channel.

Tropes found within the WHA-verse include:

  • 20 Minutes into the Past: The majority of What Happened After takes place in 2020, and was published in 2021.
  • Adaptational Gender Identity: Ann Glerr is nonbinary.
  • Adaptational Sexuality: All over the place.
    • Hakuko is a lesbian.
    • MC Adore is pansexual.
    • Both Tori and Zoe are bisexual.
  • Ascended Extra: In her first appearance in What Happened After, Tori only has one brief line in the first chapter. In My Sweet Butterfly, she's one of the most important characters in the story, and in DFS she's one of the main characters.
  • Disabled in the Adaptation: As revealed in Butterfly, both MC Adore and Zoe are on the autism spectrum.
  • Fan Verse
  • Hurt/Comfort Fic: Both What Happened After and Butterfly contain elements of this.
  • Named by the Adaptation: The reporter from Ringside is given the name "Tori" here.
    • The Chorus Kids are known as Andy, Aaron and Alex.
  • Related in the Adaptation: In the original games, the reporter from Ringside and the golfer from Hole in One 2 are two entirely unrelated characters that happen to share a resemblance. Here, they're sisters.
    • DFS adds the reporter from the First Contact sections of Citrus Remix into the mix as their mother.
  • Second-Person Narration: Featured in What Happened After.
