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Fanfic / Sour Sweet's a Zombie

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Sour Sweet's a Zombie

Sour Sweet's a Zombie is a My Little Pony: Equestria Girls fic written by grl6p. After watching a horror movie, Indigo Zap and her friends believe a cold-stricken Sour Sweet is a zombie when they visit her house on Halloween night. The story can be read here.

Sour Sweet's a Zombie provides examples of:

  • Description Cut: When Pinkie asks Sonata if the mocktails are clean, Sonata says that Adagio packed the ingredients and told her that they'd be fun. Cut to Adagio telling Aria that she snuck in some booze in order to give the drinks "a real kicker".
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Sour Sweet's cold has certainly made her a lot more irritable.
  • It's All My Fault: Indigo has a reaction similar to this when she thought she and her friends were gonna die.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Adagio and Aria get arrested after supplying Sonata with alcohol. Indigo and her friends also catch Sour Sweet's cold while Sour got better.
  • Prank Call: Pinkie gives one of these to Mr. Cranky after she and the girls have finished watching My Best Friend's a Zombie. She even admits this is not the first time she had done this to him. The girls later call up some boys and pretended to be a hotline filled with foreign models, with Punny Names and all.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: When Sour Sweet becomes victim to a bucket prank, she says "You. are. going. to. pay. for. this!"
  • Sneeze Cut: Sour Sweet does this after Indigo Zap mentions her and says she's not going to be sick or anything.
  • Tempting Fate: When Pinkie asks if Sour Sweet would mind the girls randomly coming over to her house, Indigo responds with "It's not like she's gonna be sick that night or anything." Turns out she knew Sour Sweet is sick and lied to her friends about it.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Sour Sweet near the end of the fic. She gets better.
