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Fanfic / Justice Across Space and Time

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Justice Across Space and Time (in, [1] and in Archive of Our Own) is an My Hero Academia fanfiction written by Han Baron, based around an alternative start to Izuku's adventure. With the boy learning of other potential he has as well as others. Thanks to a pair of heroes from beyond the time and space he understands.

Justice Across Space and Time contains the following tropes:

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: Stain is given a pair of these in the raid on the Shie Hassaikai, called Muramasa and Masamune. They are later given to Sir Nighteye to keep them out of dangerous hands. Including his own. For the time being at least.
  • Action Dress Rip: Happens intentionally during the I Island attack to deal with the villains, and later unintentionally when Itsuka is trying to put out her best with her ki attacks.
  • Alternate Universe: This is a timeline where a new duo of heroes, Justice and Saphentite, arrived and helped Izuku and a number of others unlock potential far beyond the limited scope of most quirks. For good and for bad.
  • After-Action Healing Drama: Justice goes through this after almost dying due to being drained of most of his power and then stabbed over a dozen times. Not to mention fighting off a small army of Twice copies and the draining villain Ray copies as well. Leading to Mirko and Ryukyu having to desperately try and keep him alive.
  • Always Save the Girl: happens more than once with Izuku and Justice. And leads to consequences more than once. Especially for Justice.
  • America Saves the Day: in a sense. Justice is from the USA and acts as a major protector and hero of Japan. Despite not being from there. in more ways than one. Given this Japan isn't even his Japan.
  • An Ass-Kicking Christmas: very subverted. Justice has to leave before Christmas and deal with a new possible threat outside of the country. Detailed in Justice Across Space and Time: Year 2.
  • Barrier-Busting Blow: Justice and Izuku do this a few different times throughout the story. Sometimes even to each other.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Very subverted. A number of the villains actually try to make sure the job is done and that they'll have no trouble from the heroes later. It's just a bit hit or miss that it actually works.
  • Break the Badass: happens to Overhaul after Justice and allies raid his base. the hero found a way to destroy Chisaki's quirk.
  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: Justice experiences this when he arrives to see Itsuka and Saphentite being beaten down by a number of Ray and Twice copies. This leads him into a Berserk Button moment for him and he goes off on the copies.
  • Ceiling Cling: well more like a wall cling. Justice can use some of his electrical energies to grip onto surfaces. But it takes a Lot, of concentration.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: a few characters get this throughout the story. the most notable is Endeavor who picks a fight with Justice during the Sports Festival. The hero himself being angry about a number of things involved and decides he's going to show the hero how it feels to be weak.
  • The Day of Reckoning: a moment that happened after the School Festival. With a toxic gas being unleashed upon a large number of students. And a factor that Justice was trying to avoid by leaving at the end of the story.
  • Fight Magnet: Izuku, Justice, or really any of the heroes and even the villains can't avoid it. Everyone is looking for a fight.
  • Flynning: what about 50 heroes, including students, have to do to save a large number who had been exposed to a toxic gas. Thanks to the machinations of those from Hell.
  • Friend to All Children: a major reason Justice and Saphentite get involved in an impromptu raid on the Yakuza. Enforced more by the introduction of Padre Pedro Lima.
  • Harmless Freezing: done by Shoto to Justice. He's none the worse for wear after getting frozen in an ice wave. Multiple times.
  • Heroic BSoD: Justice or Jotaro has this after maiming Tomura and has to leap off to cool his head. And Saphentite is needed to bring him back to calm down.
  • Heroic RRoD: Jotaro has this when he goes off on the Twice and Ray clones. And it almost kills him.
  • Heroic Safe Mode: Jotaro does this after ripping off Tomura Shigaraki's arm. So he leaps away to calm down until Saphentite can finish what needed to be done.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: Izuku undergoes this upon learning he has more than just the quirk of OFA to work with. and not just the other quirks within OFA. His own potential as a true meta.
  • Juggle Fu: Jotaro uses this in various ways to demonstrate the highest levels of ki that can be used. Even airborne threats aren't that much of a worry. For a time.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Stain is given two katanas to carry out the mission he has been recruited into.
  • Make Room for the New Plot: the Stain and Yakuza arcs are removed early to make room for new adventures and events.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Jotaro causes this when he injures Tomura. And this eventually leads him to his newest and far more dangerous allies.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Mandla's actions and attacks set up for making a number of students stronger. Least of whom, Mina is changed and given even greater power than just her quirk.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: zigzagged by a number of characters with the villains. The League Of Villains each have their own agendas about tearing down the hero society, but still work together. The villain group The Forgotten is made up of a number of people who had been hurt or hated because they didn't possess quirks. So they work together and with the LOV to take out as many heroes and other people with quirks. While also showing the worth that others didn't know was there.
  • Now It's My Turn: said almost word for word by Jotaro during his match with Endeavor. After enduring a close-range Prominence Flare from the hero with little more than a singe on his clothes.
  • The Purge: of a sense. the villain Wu took his revenge on his former Deternat employers by making a large, armored suit that demolished a large portion of the building and killed a number of people inside. Including a pro hero.
  • Rape, Pillage, and Burn: a handful of people from Deika City engage in this to flaunt that they see themselves as better because of their quirks. Attacking quirkless refuges of those who had been abandoned. little did they know or suspect that those actions could awaken certain people to becoming true meta powered up. So a bit of Nice Job Fixing It, Villain there.
  • Separated from the Adults: of varying ways. Due to some of the teen heroes taking actions into their own hands to protect or save others.
  • Suddenly Always Knew That: in a sense. Jotaro always knew how to use ki. But he never explained how it worked until it was necessary. the reason being he can't use it when he has full power. And he didn't exactly learn that skill anywhere those around him would understand.
  • Three-Point Landing: Izuku, All Might, Justice, a number of characters use this when they reach their destination.
  • Underestimating Badassery: very subverted in the case of the LOV and Forgotten. They know how dangerous Jotaro, Izuku and others are. So, they plan different ways to deal with the dangerous foes. it works off and on.
  • Violence Is Disturbing: happens after Jotaro gets too into beating the tar out of Endeavor. He gains a twisted smile while belligerently beating the hero senseless. Eventually stopping and dumping the man out of the ring to get medical attention. Least of which being stuck in traction for a period of time due to most of his bones being broken. It would have been longer if it wasn't for Recovery Girl.
