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Fanfic / Heart Stealer

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Description: "After defeating Goblin Lord at the farm, things will start to get hectic for Goblin Slayer. With so many new friends, Goblin Slayer must learn how to properly communicate with them. Especially when it comes to his female friends, who will constantly try to make Goblin Slayer think about other things than goblins, mainly about them as women."

Heart Stealer is a Goblin Slayer Fanfiction written by Fap Time. It can be read here.

Heart Stealer starts soon after the attack on Cow Girl’s farm, leading into a somewhat AU version of events of the Goblin Slayer story. After a conversation during a party at the Guild Hall reveals some of Goblin Slayer’s well-hidden hopes, several of his love interests slowly start growing closer to him. Most notably, Goblin Slayer himself starts to break down his walls, and actually start to return such affections….all while other forces move in the background.

Beware Spoiler Warnings, especially for later plot points and reveals.

Heart Stealer provides examples of:

  • Adaptational Badass: Goblin Slayer. While he is still the same questionably human Goblin hunter that everyone knows and loves, a battle with a High Vampire and a Resurrection miracle from Priestess result in Goblin Slayer effectively becoming part Vampire himself. His physical abilities are increased, he now has a taste for blood, he has minor abilities with manipulating his blood, and various classic vampire weaknesses (sunlight, silver, garlic, etc.) now annoy him or cause him slight pain/displeasure. Despite that, he is still very clearly the same socially awkward Adventurer, to the point where Priestess’s blessed cross only causes him minor pain because it is made of silver, not because he is some unholy abomination.
  • Ascended Extra: Both Heavy Swordsman and Female Knight get some extra attention in the story, most notably inadvertently being the ones to start things with Knight revealing she’s pregnant with Swordsman’s baby and Swordsman promptly proposing to her (and thus leading to the various love reveals to Goblin Slayer).
  • Bigger Is Better in Bed: Apparently, Goblin Slayer is VERY well endowed, with Dwarf Shaman even mentioning that GS’s various love interests are going to need lots of determination and lubrication to even try and fit that beast. When Cow Girl finally sleeps with him, she outright states she could only ever get half of it in. Priestess’ viewpoint even says that it goes up to her BELLY BUTTON.
  • Happiness in Slavery: After the attack on Water Town, Sword Maiden is nearly arrested for charges of dereliction of duty and incompetence, but escapes them by proclaiming herself as Goblin Slayer’s slave and property. Not only is this the pragmatic option, but Sword Maiden is legitimately happy to belong to the man she loves, especially since she is now free of all of her various responsibilities and duties that she previously had to deal with.
  • Making Love in All the Wrong Places: When Goblin Slayer comes back from Water Town, a discussion and love confession with Cow Girl end up with the two sleeping together in the barn of the farm they live on.
  • Oblivious to Love: Goblin Slayer, natch. He could not tell that Cow Girl, Guild Girl, Priestess, Sword Maiden, and High Elf Archer all had affection for him, even after Sword Maiden kissed him square on the lips and invited him to stay in her room when he came to Water Town. It took a slip of the tongue from Female Knight to clue Goblin Slayer and his party in to Guild Girl being in love with Goblin Slayer, and a date request from Cow Girl to do so. Goblin Slayer HAS gotten a bit better at recognizing this, though.
  • Spanner in the Works: Goblin Slayer, of course.
    • Because he’s so focused on hunting Goblins, he ends up taking a quest that brings him face to face with the High Vampire and eventually kills her. This ends up screwing with the Dark Elf Wizard’s plans to attack Water Town, as she was meant to breed more Goblins and actually help in the attack.
    • Goblin Slayer and his party end up going to Water Town at Sword Maiden’s request, eventually leading to Goblin Slayer killing the former Rhea Scout and leading Dark Elf Wizard to starting the attack early. This means that the town has support from several silver-ranked adventurers and the foremost expert on Goblin slaying during an assault by goblins. Moreover, their presence means that Hero and her party can rest and help civilians, especially since Sword Saint was poisoned (which Dark Elf Wizard planned so that Hero’s party wouldn’t be able to help much during the assault as they would be more focused on their teammate).
