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Drinking Game / On the Edge of Eureka

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The First Iteration:

Drink When

  • Someone says some bullshit pseudoscience which is later confirmed in the author's notes/bonus content to not be bullshit pseudoscience after all.
    • Take two sips if the author provides YouTube explanation videos, links to news articles, or PDFs of research papers to explain said science.
  • Athena gives someone a nickname and no one but her ever uses it.
  • Cadé says something extremely patronizing and Rae chides him by warningly saying ""
  • Ace and Lyra have obvious sexual tension.
    • Or Cadé and Rae obviously don't.
  • Someone fangirls excessively over concepts like quantum entanglement, CRISPR-Cas9, et cetera.
  • Lyra or Andromeda offhandedly mentions some horrible thing like it's normal and everyone has to deal with it. See: illegal organ harvesting, child labor, murdering Cantators for fun, gang wars, aderanline compound addictions, et cetera.
    • Take two sips if it's so horrible it makes Ace, Atlas, Tee or someone else who's been involved in the military cringe.
  • Someone says "Stars" or a random Latin/Greek phrase instead of swearing.
    • Take two sips when they use a common English phrase (i.e. "Jesus Christ!) but have no idea what it means or who it's referring to.
  • Someone mentions something from the Platinum Age that modern readers recognize but the characters are clueless about. See: Athena's Batman symbol ("ancient relic.")
  • There's a future-y version of some modern thing, like Aleskynn watching a show that pretty much amounts to Survivor... in... SPACE!
  • There's a reference to:
  • Someone is named after a figure from Greek or Roman mythology.
    • Take two sips if it doubles as the name of a nebula, consetllation or celestial body.
  • Someone is named after a gemstone or rock (i.e. Galena, Ametista, Adamantina, etc.)
  • The author's notes involve a lot of stuff about linguistics.
  • There's a reference to Enlightenment.
    • Take two sips if it involves Kate Davis.

The Reboot

Drink When:

  • Someone mentions something from the 19th-21st centuries, but they get it hilariously wrong or misinterpret it completely.
  • Someone, especially Acidalia, references "the Founders."
    • Take another drink when she references them by their "Eleutherian" names instead of their actual names.
  • Cressida acts like a spoiled princess for no reason.
  • Athena says something that demonstrates a complete lack of common sense.
    • Drink again if she precedes this with "I'm a scientist," then says something either unrelated to her field or scientifically inaccurate.
  • Somebody gets injured and tries to walk it off instead of dealing with it.
    • Drink again if they suffer from said injury for the next few chapters because they refused to deal with it when they got it.
    • Drink again if ignoring said injury has dire consequences for them later on.
  • Cadé acts patronizing and rude to a colleague or superior, especially Rae.
  • Alpha-24 mentions a loophole in the laws of robotics.
    • Drink again if he literally kills a human being and immediately comes up with an excuse for why it technically doesn't count.
  • A non-Terran is extremely impressed by ordinary Earth technology.
    • Drink again if a Terran character says something along the lines of "you have faster-than-light space travel, and [modern technology] amazes you?"
  • Somebody mentions the Precursors.
    • Especially when they're referencing Kate.
  • There's a place in the Greater Galaxy named after someone from Earth (i.e. Faraday.)
  • A planet that seemed nice at first turns out to be a dystopian Crapsack World.
  • Alestra says something horrible to or about one of her children.
  • There's a spiel about intergalactic politics that lasts at least three paragraphs uninterrupted.
    • Drink again if it somehow involves the Treaty of Eta Carinae.
