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Derivative Works / A Dog of Flanders

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Works based on A Dog of Flanders (1872) by Marie Louise de la Ramée.

Anime & MangaLive Action Films
  • Dog of Flanders (1914), a short film directed by Howell Hansel.
  • A Boy of Flanders (1924), an American silent film directed by Victor Schertzinger.
  • A Dog of Flanders (1935), a black and white drama film directed by Edward Sloman.
  • A Dog of Flanders (1960), directed by James B. Clark. This one is well-known for having a happy ending and featuring Spike the Mastador as Patrasche.
  • A Dog of Flanders (1999), featuring Jeremy James Kissner, Jon Voight, Jack Warden, and Cheryl Ladd.
  • Barking Dogs Never Bite, a South Korean satirical parody movie directed by Bong Joon-ho.
  • Snow Prince (2009), directed by Joji Matsuoka.
