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Creator / Nick Apostolides

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Nick Apostolides is an American voice actor and motion capture artist. He first came into the limelight with his voice acting in the Life Is Strange series but really made waves after his performance as Leon Scott Kennedy in the Resident Evil 2 remake. Ever since, he seems to be Capcom's go-to actor for Leon, succeeding Matthew Mercer.

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Tropes related to Nick Apostolides

  • One of Us: Nick is evidently a huge fan of Resident Evil and has played most of the games. He's even admitted that Paul Mercier's performance as Leon in Resident Evil 4 inspired him to work in the video game industry.
  • Promoted Fanboy: As stated above, Nick was a huge fan of Resident Evil before being selected as the actor for Leon in the Resident Evil 2 remake, and even the remake for 4, the game which served as his original inspiration.
