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Creator / Aconstantstateofbladerunner

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aconstantstateofbladerunner is a fanfiction writer known for making incredible and heart-wrenching stories based on the My Hero Academia series. They can be found here on Archive of Our Own and here on Tumblr.

Fanfics with their own pages:

Tropes used by this author include:

  • Adaptational Backstory Change: Several stories dabble with the idea of their main characters having alternate backstories that contribute to their conflicts (Ex. The Turn has Izuku being Endeavor's illegitimate child, Naïve Melody has Inko being All For One's daughter).
  • Alternate Universe Fic: Related to the trope above, most of the stories involve radical changes to the MHA timeline and how it impacts the relationships between its characters, thus creating brand new stories.
  • Ascended Extra: Inko Midoriya, a minor character whose only purpose was to be the protagonist's mom, is often given more character depth and agency in a story that features her as a main character.
  • Dark Fic: The My Hero series did dabble on mature subjects every now and then, but the author takes it to another level by including psychological, existential, and body horror elements that can give any reader the creeps. The greatest example being Butterfly.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: For all the suffering and despair the author puts their characters through, they will ensure they get some type of closure or Happily Ever After.
  • Family Drama: Another element that the author uses involves the protagonist having severe issues with their parents that will either be in the background or the main focus of any given story.
  • Fantastic Ableism: Quirkless discrimination is a theme prevalent in several stories. Particularly in Cain, The Road That Went Forever and Statistic.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: You can expect Toshinori, Izuku, or Inko to mentally berate themselves for the smallest of mistakes while believing that they need to be better than what they currently are.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Regardless of Izuku's parental lineage, the boy will often grow up Quirkless and suffer from bullying for a whole decade before he inherits One For All.
  • Like a Son to Me:
    • Dadmight is one of their favorite MHA concepts and is often the prime theme in many of their stories.
    • They also dabble with Nana being Toshinori's adoptive mother.
  • Official Couple: Toshinori x Inko is regarded as their favorite ship and will often be featured in their fics.
