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Characters / The Tale of Rhys Stark

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Rhys Stark

"This isn't about kings anymore. It's about Vengeance."

Legitimized Bastard Son of Brandon Stark and Barbrey (Ryswell) Dustin. Rhys grew up in Winterfell and was the adventuring type that tended to ride his horse around the north, he is defined by many for his hunting skills and his renowned Smile.

  • All for Nothing: How he views Robb's rebellion against Joffrey after The Red Wedding, he previously held out hope that everything wrong that happened would be set right eventually but after Robb's death he loses all hope in anything to do with Northern Independence and dedicates himself to only killing The Freys, Boltons and Lannisters.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Cousin Type. He is the first man to rush after Jon during the Battle of the Bastards. He is fiercely defensive when it comes to his younger cousins like Bran, Rickon, Arya & Sansa. He also forms a brother-like bond with Martyn.
  • The Chains of Commanding: He fears for the lives of his loyalists.
  • The Hero: Of his own Storyline and is the hero of his fanfic.
  • The Hero Dies: As the protagonist of his own storyline, he dies midway through the final season from being speared by The Night King.
  • Last Stand: Rhys and Theon go down side by side in Winterfell’s Godswood, with Rhys being the last person to fall to the Night King before Arya arrives.
  • Odd Friendship: With Tytos Blackwood, a man who is much more reserved and stoic compared to Rhys' energetic antics and hot-blooded ferocity.
  • Tragic Hero: Rhys went from being a happy huntsman who fought for the justice of his Uncle to a vengeful soul that commits many atrocities to those responsible for hurting his family. He tries to come back from this darkness but ultimately accepts it as who he is.
