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Main Characters


"Do you know what a recovery center is, Coffee Pot?"

Checkbook is a dedicated scientist studying the ancient past of Salus alongside her two colleagues, Coffee Pot and Wiffle Ball.

    Coffee Pot
Arachnids can sit on walls, neat!

"Shhhhh!! It's coming closer!!"

Coffee Pot is a rowdy, gusty, and mischievous arachnid monster from the City of Talons. She has a degree in paleontology, and has an extreme dislike for violence or "living like a monster object." She is currently staying in BrokenWood with her colleagues, Checkbook and Wiffle Ball, to study the unknown past of Salus.

    Wiffle Ball

"If you actually cared about science, we'd have been there days ago."

Wiffle Ball is an outspoken, cold, and critical object from the City of Talons. With an abnormally high IQ, she graduated High School and University all in her teen years, and wants to change the world for the better. She's generally cold and hostile and struggles to be a pleasant person. She genuinely is trying, though, as she works with her colleagues Checkbook and Coffee Pot.

Minor Characters

old lady

  • Long-Lived: One of the last ancient trappers still left alive

  • The Big Guy: While not the nicest, she's calm compared to the rest of the crew. She also happens to dwarf the entire main cast.

    Nightlight/Child of the Night
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