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Characters / Spirit Rangers

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A cautious, kindhearted boy who's the youngest of the Skycedar siblings. He can transform into a turtle, which enables him to blow magic bubbles and sense vibrations in the ground.

  • Refusal of the Call: In the first episode, he's reluctant to become a Junior Ranger because he's scared of failure. His siblings help him through it, and he eventually becomes confident in the role.



An energetic girl who's the middle child of the Skycedar siblings. She can transform into a hawk, which enables her to create whirlwinds and see things from far away.

  • Meaningful Name: Summer is the season when baby hawks are conceived.
  • Speed Demon: She likes to do everything as fast as possible; several problems in her life occur because she attacks problems without thinking them through.



A protective boy who's the eldest of the Skycedar siblings. He can transform into a bear, which enables him to lift heavy objects and roar soundwaves.



A vain trickster spirit who's friends with the Skycedars. He used to be part of the Trickster Trio, but left because their lack of scruples disgusted him.

  • Hates Baths: In the pilot episode, he says that he hasn't had a bath in a hundred years. In "Chief Of The Day", he gets upset when it rains because, "Rain is almost as bad as a bath!"



A motherly spirit who's friends with Coyote and the Skycedars.
