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Characters / Rae the Doe

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Recurring Characters

Rae The Doe

The main character. A doe with anxiety.


A punk skunk, and Rae's girlfriend.


A possum.

  • Relationship Upgrade: Officially hooks up with Cybil in the 100th comic, after some previous strips had her worrying about whether they were actually dating.


A moth.


A bat, and Rae's current roommate.

  • Trans Nature: Has mentioned undergoing HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) when Rae was anxious about starting hers.


Pascal's nonbinary squirrel partner, met during the Halloween party in "Fawn of the Dead".

Occasionally Featured Characters


A skeletal cat in a black hood that guides the deceased to the afterlife. Once accidentally reaped Rae the Doe's soul due to misreading a to-do list.

Rae the Dog

A dog with the same name as the main character

  • The Bus Came Back: First appears to avert the One-Steve Limit, and also because she was supposed to be reaped by Death after eating chocolate, the mix-up causing the "Rae the Doe is Dead" plot. However, she appears again in "Fawn of the Dead", as her spirit has a bit of a grudge over Rae the Doe not remaining dead in their place.


Rae and Mimi's adopted Turkey child in the future depicted in "The Time Skip". Identifies as non-binary after growing up a bit and talking with Sawyer about their feelings.
