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Zara is a seventeen year old pansexual girl who recently moved to town. She struggles with her mother abandoning the family previously to moving, as well as her chronic social anxiety and self-worth issues. Zara documents this by vlogging, which often ends in being interrupted by another character. Zara often flees from social contact, and would rather spend time with her 7 cats, than any human being - except for her dad, whom she loves very much.


  • Adorkable


Berrie is the intelligent, book-smart lesbian daughter of South African immigrants - and the daughter of small-town career politician Andricia Lerato. She is very fashionable, cunning, but can be harsh and upset when things don't go exactly her way. Berrie wants, more than anything, to get out from under the thumb of her mother's crushing expectations of her and to just live a happy life - but she feels like it's unattainable without manoeuvring throughout the political systems of a small town in turmoil, entwining her deeper within the games of politics and power she wants so desperately to get out of.


Scotty is the gay grandson of infamous baker, Nana Hat Macmillain. He loves Star Trek, Snickers bars, and sleeping. Scotty is half-Malaysian, and was taken in by his grandmother after his parents went to jail during his toddlerhood for tax fraud. He has narcolepsy and often is seen falling asleep in the middle of conversations. He is very loyal, and willing to help others, without expecting much in return. Ever the jokester, he always tries to pick things up, but can feel powerless in the face of serious moments, often becoming overwhelmed and lashing out in private by throwing things or tearing them up.


Cal is Zara's cousin, a questioning young man who enjoys classic rock, hockey, skateboarding, and smoking weed. He deals with chronic anxiety from something that went terribly wrong in his past, causing irreversible, lifechanging harm to members of his family in the process. Riddled with guilt issues, he's vowed to protect everybody he loves, even if it costs him more than he can give. Cal is very caring and loving of his family and always tries to help out, having to deal drugs in the process under the radar to make up for his father getting his work hours cut and his mother's complete inability to work due to her paraplegia.


Emma is Cal's girlfriend, a pansexual neopagan who was adopted by her mothers after being abandoned at the hospital as an infant. Emma is very quiet, perceptive, and can sometimes be overly judgemental or brash. She quietly tries to stand up for others and protect them without bringing the spotlight onto herself, but feels that the Universe has cursed her with her plans always making things worse. She is very good at keeping a secret, but don't get on her bad side, or you'll see that she is a spitfire when needed.


Jas is nonbinary, aromantic, and asexual. They often dress with flair, emulating drag culture and cosplay in order to bring together "looks" each day. Jas is very protective of Fiona, and would do anything to make sure he was safe. They are also a loudmouth, often getting themselves into trouble by demanding visibility and refusing to back down to people who insist that they should fade into the background. Despite coming from a large family, they are not entirely responsible with kids and can often encourage deviance. Jas is crafty, determined, and has budding alcohol problems that are starting to impede their efforts to help Fiona.


Fiona is a closeted transman living under the iron rule of his father, Pastor Joseph Michaels. Forced into a traditional gender role without the ability to protest, Fiona has been subjected to abuse most of his life and as a result is very quiet, soft-spoken, and - against all odds - kind to everyone. He once described himself as "unable to hate anyone" despite the things that had been done to him. He is a very loving person, but can be intense, with his anger flaring in open defiance. However, it soon fades into complacency, as he's unable to sustain it properly, and later on, depression. Fiona enjoys horror movies, synthpop, heavy metal, and has a deep love for animals and caring for others. He's notoriously bad with children and can have an appropriately angry streak that flares when injustice is seen.




