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  • Real Life Writes the Plot:
    • The creator of this series is chronically ill, lives with mental illness, and has attempted suicide numerous times during the creation and production of this series. When the director was sick and in the hospital from December to Feburary 2016, there was a delay in posting, during which he did get the episode out from his hospital room. There has also been another in June 2016 to account for his computer being knocked over by an internet service technician. Another trope that applies would be Written-In Infirmity.
    • The series was initially conceived due to the director's own health issues making it impossible for him to continue his previous work and still stay healthy enough to, you know, live.
    • Many of the buildings are based off of real-life locations in the director's own city and surrounding area.
  • Write What You Know:
  • Write Who You Know:
    • Berrie is based off of the writer's friend's estranged mother.
    • Berrie's mother, in the meantime, is based off of the writer's ex.
    • Virgil has been claimed by the writer as "the father he'd be if he was 43 and not afraid of cats."
    • Richie's hobbies such as smoking are based off of the writer's current partner.
    • Richie has ADHD and OCD, just like the writer.
    • Adam also has ADHD.
    • Zara is depressed and anxious. The writer struggled with this for 17 years.
    • Berrie's mother has severe anger issues that mirror the writer's own mother, and ex.
