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Characters / Lonewolf 2016

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Emile: "I don't know his name, or even what he looks like; he stays quiet, he stays professional. He's just a warrior. After being in combat with Lonewolf I do know one thing about him: he truly belongs behind a gun. That's the only place he wants to be.

A mysterious veteran sniper that has recently joined with the Assembly. Being very good at his job, he quickly (and cleanly) manages to mop up any and all adversaries against the Assembly. But does he have an agenda of his own?

  • Bash Brothers: Was previously paired with Emile as a sniper duo in the military, so he holds a good amount of respect for him. This is why Lonewolf spares Emile's life during "Highway" and at the end of the game, even when Emile has a pistol pointed at him; mutual respect prevents them from shooting each other.

  • Blood Knight: As Lonewolf puts it himself in the intro to phase two of "Fence":

    Lonewolf: "A raven flew in and landed where I was shooting. Ravens were attacking our chickens; I had no problem killing something that killed the innocent. Everything became amplified when I was shooting at a living thing. I will always remember my first kill - I liked it more when my target had a heartbeat.

  • Sinister Shades:

  • Cold Sniper: If ever there was a two word summary of Lonewolf, it would be this.

  • Combat Pragmatist: Lonewolf is proficient with both rifles and pistols, and he'll use anything to manipulate his opponents into where he needs them to be (which is usually at the opposite end of his rifle). He'll resort to impersonating people, Tannerite, and fists if need be to achieve his goals. He's even willing to insert himself in a criminal gang to tear them apart from the inside out.

  • Dark and Troubled Past: He witnessed his Father and Mother be murdered in front of his eyes.

  • Faking the Dead: It turns out Lonewolf was Slick-Will's son, having survived his encounter with Mando and plotting his revenge, finally getting a chance to execute his plan 9 years afterwards.

  • Improbable Aiming Skills: In a realistic manner: he's able to hit people from far away, even if there's a significant amount of wind, and even if there's a moving train in front of the targets. Hell, the "Lonewolf" achievement implies that he never misses a shot throughout the entire game, meaning that in all the close quarters firefights he partook in, he killed all his enemies with a pistol without ever missing!

  • Mysterious Past: Only two points of Lonewolf's past are explored in the game: the first time he fired a gun as a child, and his experiences in the military. Technically, three points, the third point being witnessing his parent's murder at Mando's hand .

  • The Stoic: He might curse a bit more than the average fictional stoic, but otherwise he remains emotionless in all situations, even in the face of mortal danger. There are exactly two times where he becomes Not So Stoic: once offscreen, when he was unable to bring Captain Raven to justice, and once at the end of the game, where he reveals that he's planned to assassinate Mando from day one.

  • Took a Level in Badass/ From Nobody to Nightmare He started as an relatively average 11 year old kid who knew how to shoot, but after Mando killed his family, he turned into an emotionless killing machine.

  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Nobody knows what Lonewolf's true name is, not even Emile.


Emile: "Our command paired me with Lonewolf. We trained together, we were always the top of the class - it turned out that Lonewolf and me were a good team."

A veteran spotter, and good friend of Lonewolf, having been paired with him back when they were in the military. He was the one who introduced Lonewolf to the Assembly in the first place, and was the one who recommended him to Mando as a hired gun.

  • Bash Brothers: Was previously paired with Lonewolf as a sniper duo in the military; having seen Lonewolf in action, he holds a great deal of respect for him. In fact, Lonewolf's marksmanship ended up saving Emile from an enemy sniper. This is why, even when Lonewolf is butchering the Assembly, Emile doesn't shoot Lonewolf the moment he has him in his sights; mutual respect prevents them from shooting each other.

  • Minor Major Character: He's a pretty important character in the plot, being a good friend of Lonewolf and having introduced him to the Assembly in the first place, but aside from that, we know very little about him.


Midman: "Mando, I've been with you since day one. The Assembly doesn't know it, you may not even know it, but I know it. The mistakes you made that night changed you."

The leader of the Assembly. Loud, violent, and easily angered.

  • A Father to His Men: Subverted: He always speaks positively to his mooks and refer to them as his family, but that he's willing to send them on suicide missions as a diversion implies that it's just a facade. Double Subverted: even without his mooks nearby, he's obviously upset over the fact that Lonewolf killed his men, referring to them as his boys, and admonishing Emile for trying to spin their deaths as good news, saying "that's my family you are talking about".

  • Bald of Evil:

  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He gets pissed very easily, and is willing to resort to violence pretty damn easily.

  • My God, What Have I Done?: He's mentioned to have killed a policeman, his wife, and his child once. He heavily regrets killing the child, and left the decision-making to Midman ever since, fearing that he'd do something similar if he lost control of himself again.

  • Would Hit a Girl: As mentioned above, he's perfectly fine with killing the wives of policemen.

  • Would Hurt a Child: As mentioned above, he's also willing to kill the children of policemen. Of course, he's regretted it ever since.


Midman: "I speak for the Assembly. Mando's right hand man, if you will. You can call me Midman. I'm only here because Emile said you're the best. I just need to find out for myself if he is right."

The second-in-command of the Aessmbly.

     The Police Sniper 

An unknown police officer.
