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Characters / Isola Radiale

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This listing is for official characters from the Isola Radiale roleplay group.

The Stars


The first member of the Galaxy to present herself to the populace at large during the events of Overlay. So far, she has only acted as a means of communication and to relay information.

  • Artificial Intelligence: Her interaction with others seems to indicate she can think and make decisions freely.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: She's displayed a tendency to reference a number of real-life memes and pop culture references that certainly lead to some questions...
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Spica. Ofiuco seems to be playing red oni to Spica's blue since she jokes a lot more and seems more interested in having fun.
  • Robot Girl: Her appearance clearly shows her to be mechanical, though whether she's purely that or some type of bio-android or other deviation is not presently clear. She does seem to possess the ability to fly, at the very least.


The second member of the Galaxy shown within canon. Primarily seen only in correspondence with Ofiuco, not much is known about her.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Generally in her correspondence with the city at large, she tends to call the citizens "darlings" or some variant thereof.
  • Conspicuous Consumption: Considering she tweets about some of the most expensive brands in fashion, it's not too weird to assume she loves living the high life and showing it off as much as possible.
  • The Fashionista: From her Twitter, it would seem she's highly interested (and opinionated) about the fashion industry.
  • The Kid with the Remote Control: So far, it would seem that Spica is primarily the one who deals with Ofiuco and issues orders, though admittedly, it's hard to tell if she's a child or not.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Ofiuco. Her blue oni tendencies of being terse and focused on getting the job done seem to clash a bit with Ofiuco's apparently fun-loving nature, but they seem to get along well.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Wide, circular-framed ones, to be specific.
  • The Stoic: Spica tends to be fairly terse and matter-of-fact in her speech. She doesn't mince a lot of words.


The third member of the Galaxy shown within canon. Has mostly been seen interacting with Alathfar thus far outside of her brief mention in the Depths finale. Like the others, not much is known about her.


The fourth member of the Galaxy shown within canon. Generally seen with Pleiades mostly as of Covet. So far, hardly anything is known about him in terms of appearance or personality.
