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Player Characters

     Au Dy 
A robot valet gone sapient and turned pilot, played by Jack de Quidt
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character: Jack conceived Au Dy as a direct counterpoint to Lem King's usual modus operandi of getting through a crisis by talking — Au Dy speaks little, and when they do they often make things worse.
  • Just a Machine: Sapient robots are still rare, so Au Dy still has to deal with this attitude at times.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Au Dy is two connected Contagious A.I. Divines, Liberty & Discovery, inhabiting an Automated Dynamics frame.

     Aria Joie 
an Idol Singer turned smuggler, played by Ali Acampora
  • Preserve Your Gays: Jaqui Green, Aria's girlfriend is one of the relatively few secondary characters to survive the final fight.

a semi-exiled prince of the Apostolosian Empire, played by Art Tebbel

     Mako Trig 
a laid back stratus (psychic with the power to hack into technology), played by Keith J Carberry
  • Cyber Space: Mako's psychic hacking works like this.
  • Flat Character: Austin notes in the postmortem for Season 2 that Keith didn't have much fine detail conceived for Mako's backstory compared to Art and Ali's more extensive off-mic discussions of what life was like for Cass and Aria before the Chime was formed. This contributed to the revelation that Mako doesn't actually have a past on September.
  • Never Live It Down: Both in-character and for Keith the player, when Mako bought several construction mechs by taking a huge loan in his real name. He makes use of them in the finale in a ridiculous way.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Mako's plans often have an element of this, like when he infiltrates a corporation by pretending to be a representative of another company buying construction robots in bulk and then actually buys the robots, going massively into debt.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Mako is the latest in a series of clones.
  • Virtual Ghost: Mako gets one in the form of Larry, a security routine who he successfully bamboozled.

