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Characters / Courtney Crumrin And The Night Things Villains

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    Marshal Hector Hughes

The highly respected head of police in the Hillsborough wizarding community, and Councilman Woodrue Wrathum's nominated candidate for the Council. During the Coven of Mystics story arc, Hector publicly appears troubled by the chaos consuming the town — from the return of revered hobgoblin, Tommy Rawhead; to the hexing of the reclusive but famous witch Hermia Harken.

In reality, Hector was behind all of the events of the story. Releasing Rawhead from his century long sealing within the Marl-Pit in the beginning of Coven, Hector used the hobgoblin to eliminate anyone who stood in his way of becoming elected to the Coven Council, including Councilmen John Milton Mandrake and Charles London. He then proceeded to hex Hermia Harken in order to coerce her into accepting his marriage proposal so as to marry into an old, respected wizard family — pinning the blame for all of the trouble on an innocent Night Thing, Skarrow, whom he personally sees executed before the Crumrins can save him.

Receives comeuppance at the hands of Courtney when she reveals his plot, revives the defeated Tommy Rawhead, and orders him to drag Hector to the bottom of the Marl-Pit, and back to the Underworld, to suffer an eternity of Hellish punishment.

Hector Hughes provides examples of the following Tropes:

  • Domestic Abuse: Heavily implied that Hector was the one who cursed Hermia and only relieved the curse once a scapegoat had been cemented and she'd agreed to marry him.
  • Dragged Off to Hell: Hauled off by Tommy Rawhead, the monster he sought to use against others. Initially it appears that he was just dragged off to death, but it's later revealed that his suffering didn't end there.
  • Fantastic Racism: Much like most warlocks and witches, against Night Things.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Ultimately dragged into the Underworld in the hands of Tommy Rawhead to be tormented for eternity, not even satisfied with vengeance against Courtney.
  • Hypocrite: Exclaims "What have you done?!" upon seeing Courtney has revived Tommy Rawhead to serve her personal agenda.
  • Police Are Useless: Despite being a cop, Hector doesn't do much to stop Tommy Rawhead. To be fair, no one save Aloysius does.
