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Characters / Arkn Unity Hethe

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"In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, from nothing[,] came the First Circle, a mysterious portal to worlds beyond. Out of this portal came the first being, the Hethe De'ebolus... With a new Existence and a realm created, six more beings like De'ebo were introduced...and they were the Hethe."

Hethian creation myth

The Hethe are a group of monstrous, bird-like beings of immense power. They are the creators of existence and (almost) everything in it, and are regarded as gods by the Arkn and Dekn. They live outside of existence, in a realm known as Xua.

     In General 
  • Ambiguous Gender: The Hethe themselves are gender-less. However, a few do use gendered pronouns, forms, or avatars; De'ebo is called "The Father" and uses a male avatar, while Gar'sha uses female pronouns, is referred to as "The Mother", and appears in the form of a giant, winged woman.
  • Bird People: Downplayed: Cedric apparently described the Hethe as having a beak like that of a raven. Incidentally, Cedric is the only Hethe who doesn't fit this description, as he has a humanoid form made out of smoke (sans any mention of a beak).
  • Black Cloaks: All the Hethe (with the exception of Cedric) wear cloaks made of "the darkest of darkness" that shroud them from the light.
  • Black Speech: The tongue of the Hethe.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Their moral code seems to vary from one Hethe to the next — and it's always incomprehensible. They've engineered brutal, bloody conflicts between their creations in the past, and allowed said conflicts to continue for nothing more than their own entertainment. However, they'll also step in and personally aid their creations — when the mood strikes them.
  • The Creators: They are credited as the creators of "existence itself" (creating color, sights and sounds in the empty void of Universe A), and were the creators of the Tree of Life, the Dekn, the Arkn, Humanity, and humanity.
  • EldritchAbominations: They are creatures of unknown origin and immense power. Their true forms have never been glimpsed by mortal beings, and are so alien and monstrous that they can typically only be described in the vaguest of terms (and even then, it's only heresay).
  • The Gods Must Be Lazy: Their unwillingness to put a stop to the Arkn-Dekn War is hinted to be due to laziness as much as a desire for entertainment.
  • Lawful Evil: With the possible exceptions of Gar'sha and Cedric, the pantheon seems to veer between this and Chaotic Evil.
  • Spikes of Villainy: All Hethe have a row of three spines down their backs. (It is said that cluxious, the foul fluid from which Dekn are "born", is emitted from these spines.)



The Father.

  • It Amused Me: The reason behind anything he does. In Universe A, he started the Arkn-Dekn conflict (and then manipulated individuals to force it to continue) because he was bored.



Known as The Spectator, Cre'vial was the second Hethe to appear. Rather than taking part in creating with De'ebo, Cre'vial sat back and observed, eventually coming forth to create the second Arkn, Xymigos.



The third Hethe, Leg'leg is known as The Bastard.



The Adventurer, Zag'orv is the fourth Hethe.



Known as The Wise, Fab'ras was the fifth Hethe to emerge, and the only Hethe to actively question existence. The Seeker was always answered, but never satisfied by answers.

  • Seeker Archetype: His eternal quest for answers puts him squarely in this category.



Tum'to, known as The Warmonger, was sixth Hethe to come forth. He was responsible for endowing Dekncraath, the first member of the Dekn race, with rage.



Appears in: Even the Stars Will Bleed

The Mother, Gar'sha was the seventh and final Hethe to emerge. She was the second Hethe to create, and responsible for the creation of the Tree of Riviera, the Arkn Raziel (who serves as her avatar), and the realms of the Aetherium and the Infinitium.
