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Murder the Clown (Theo Gordon)

Debut: Goosebumps Most Wanted #7: A Nightmare on Clown Street

Portrayed By: Marshall Choka (Film)
"Clown life is murder! Murder!"

The uncle of the protagonist, Ray. He works for Koko's Klown Acadaemy and he has a fake ax in his head. He has a dark sense of humor but otherwise is a nice guy.

  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: In Goosebumps HorrorTown, he is recently divorced and is implied to be an alcoholic, before finding a new life in the circus.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In the film, he is a straight up monster while in the book he merely has a morbid sense of humor. He's also portrayed as a villain in the Goosebumps: Night of Scares duology.
  • Ax-Crazy: Literally, as he has a fake ax in his head and some of his jokes make him seem a bit unhinged.
  • Circus of Fear: Somewhat subverted, as the circus he works for isn't inherently bad as the real evil is a man who runs the clown world and punishes clowns who mess up.
  • Monster Clown: Subverted in the book, as he only looks scary as his gimmick. Played straight in the movie.
