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Characters / A Killer Party

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    Lily Wright 
Portrayed By: Krystina Alabado
The newest leading lady of the theatre troupe, a rival to Vivika.

    Joan McArthur 
Portrayed By: Jackie Burns
Varthur's wife, a self-proclaimed ASMR artist.

    Justine Case 
Portrayed by: Carolee Carmello
A former detective, only set on writing her memoir.

    Clarke Staples 
Portrayed By: Miguel Cervantes
The stage manager of the theatre troupe.

    Cameron Mitchelljohn 
Portrayed By: Drew Gehling
An "always in the chorus" member of the theatre troupe who longs to be a famous actor one day, like his idol Jeremy Jordan.

    Jeremy Jordan 
Portrayed By: Jeremy Jordan
Appears in Cameron's fever dream, a fictionalized fantasy version of the actual Jeremy Jordan.

    Shea Crescendo 
Portrayed By: Alex Newell
The costume designer of the theatre troupe, and decides to stay in character for majority of the time, even after the play ended due to the murder.

    Vivika Orsonwelles 
Portrayed By: Laura Osnes
The former leading lady, jealous of Lily's success. She later has an affair with George.

    Varthur McArthur 
Portrayed By: Michael James Scott
The director of the theatre troupe, a dedicated man who wants his theater to succeed.

    The Killer 
Portrayed By: Michael James Scott
Arthur McArthur, Varthur's twin brother, jealous of his brothers success after Varthur backstabbed him.

    George Murderer 
Portrayed By: Jarrod Spector
A writer who is furious that Varthur won't put on his production. He later has an affair with Vivika.

    Detective Case 
Portrayed By: Jessica Keenan Wynn
A younger self of Justine, a meter maid promoted to detective charged with solving the murder.
