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Awesome / Tom and Jerry: Shiver Me Whiskers

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  • When Jerry first steals the treasure map and gets chased by Tom, he uses the map as an Improvised Zipline, and then as a parachute before whacking a telescope, causing it to spin around and hit a cannonball, which knocks down the mast Tom is on top of.
  • Jerry gets Blue Pirate Bob to spare his life by revealing that his brother Ron is nearby and has a treasure map in his possession.
    Blue Pirate Bob's Translator Buddy parrot: (as Bob himself grabs a cannon fuse and prepares to open fire) Well, if it ain't the ship of me no-good brother Red Pirate Ron. So you're saying he found a treasure map, are ye? Well then, let's pay him our traditional family visit, says I.
  • When a giant squid attacks Tom, he dodges its attacks and then manages to tie its tentacles together, showing an impressive amount of bravery and resourcefulness.
    • When one of the challenges Tom & Jerry have to face at the end just so happens to be the same squid, it ends up recognising Tom. It proceeds to scream in absolute fear and ends up knocking itself out from debris falling onto it’s head, caused by said screaming.
  • Amidst the multi-sided conflict for the treasure map, Jerry is the only one who thinks to make a copy of it.
  • When the skeleton pirates attack Ron's ship, he ends up dueling four of them at once while balancing on top of a barrel that's rolling back and forth.
  • Once the pirates reach Yo-Ho Island in their lifeboat, Ron goes into a monologue about how they'll get the treasure, then orders Tom (who's on punishment detail for not telling him the map was cursed) to resume rowing. But when he turns his head, Tom is gone, stretched across one of the oars and using his arms to paddle toward the island with the treasure map in his mouth.
  • Paul's monkeys do a good job of playing keep-away with the treasure map before Ron snags it with his hook.
  • Jerry avoids a series of traps where stepping on stairs trigger rocks smashing down by grabbing the trap's creator (a floating skull) and using him as a shield.
