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Awesome / The Loud House Season 2

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"Alright, girls, let's deal with these losers!"

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    Intern For the Worst 
  • Clyde managing to pin down Lincoln during their brief scuffle. Especially considering that Lincoln does frequently brawl with his sisters while Clyde has no experience in comparison.
  • Lincoln and Clyde teaming up against Mr. Flip for taking advantage of them and for his cheap tactics in the store, especially getting him to do the dirty work he had them do for him.

    The Old and the Restless 
  • Pop-Pop proves that not all old people are frail by doing things such as rock climbing, bull riding, and skydiving!
  • The other old people (Scoots, Seymour, and Bernie) have some awesome too. Even though they're not as hale and hearty as Pop-Pop (Scoots has a mobility scooter, Seymour and Bernie walk with canes, and they end up throwing their backs out), they're just as spirited: they hook their canes together to hoist Lincoln and Pop-Pop up and when Pop-Pop is caught, they insist that if he's kicked out, Sue should kick them out too.

    Making the Grade 
  • Lisa saving her kindergarten class (including Liam's sister) with her strep cure.

    Kick the Bucket List 
  • Sure it ends up badly, but Lincoln and Clyde still manage to cram their holiday activities into one day, and it doesn't even make them tired.
  • Lincoln and Clyde making it home in time by riding Scoots's scooter, some sheep, a pushcart, and trashcans.

    Pulp Friction 
  • Lincoln and Clyde's own Ace Savvy comic, which includes superhero versions of all the Loud Sisters.
  • All 10 sisters collectively helping Lincoln and Clyde to get their comic to the post office in time.
  • Special mention goes to Leni for her means of getting to the post office even after Vanzilla breaks down, earning her praise from her siblings, notably Lucy, for her good thinking!

    L is for Love 
  • The reveal that Luna is bisexual on the account of having a crush on Sam, who happens to be a girl, is another progressive move for Nick.
  • A minor one but the fact that Leni, a cute, bubbly blonde girl is willing to date a scruffy, overweight geek like Chaz. Considering the fact that most shows follow the stereotypical, "cute blonde girl ends up with cute popular guy", trope, it's nice to know that the show is willing to avoid cliche tropes like that. Doubles as heartwarming as it's very clear that Leni loves Chaz for who he is on the inside.

    The Loudest Mission 
  • The fact that Lori/Bobby and Lincoln/Ronnie are still together (albeit keeping up long-distance relationships). Lots of kids shows would have couples break-up when a moving episode shakes things up. Not here; in fact, Chris Savino himself has gone on record as saying he's in full support of these two couples sticking it out.

    Change of Heart 
  • Clyde manages to build a rather impressive snow sculpture of Lori as an angel. True, Lori finds his crush on her annoying, but that's an amazing feat.

    Lynn-er Takes All 
  • In the Louds' first attempt to beat Lynn at a board game, Lola chooses to go one-on-one with her with a game that's pageant themed, and she manages to push Lynn into a corner a few moments later. That's when Lynn decides to read the rule book and finds out that if she rolls three tens at once, she'll automatically win the game. You can guess what happens next.
    Lynn: Did it! (cue Lola Fainting while her siblings gasp in shock).

    Yes Man 
  • The Loud sisters manage to convince SMOOCH to come over to the Loud house to sing.

    Mall Of Duty 

  • Three words: You Got Tricked!
    • To put it into perspective, two bullies had just trashed the neighborhood that Lisa, Lana and Lola were trick or treating in AND had stolen all of their candy in the process. Lincoln then decides to use Lucy's haunted cornfield and tricks the bullies into it. What follows is the two tough guys being scared out of their minds and running off saying they'll never come to that neighborhood again. You do not mess with the Louds!

    Snow Way Down 
  • Lincoln and Clyde braving a dangerous ski ramp, especially since the latter is revealed to be acrophobic in "Dance, Dance Resolution".
