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Awesome / The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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  • The entire battle for Kvatch is one of these in spades, especially the first time you step through an Oblivion Gate. Not many games have you storming the gates of Hell and kicking demon ass at Level One.
    • Ilend Vonius, one of the surviving guards, survived inside Oblivion by fighting off Daedra for who knows how long while the rest of his comrades were killed on the bridge to the tower. He was kicking Daedra ass for hours before you showed up. He also made it out of the city with the rest of the surviving guards, which is no small feat, either.
  • Once you kill Mankar Camoran, his 'Paradise' starts falling to pieces and you're teleported back to Cloud Ruler Temple, the Amulet of Kings in your hand. As the portal dissolves, Jauffre says 'Blades! Pay homage to Martin's champion!' And every single one of them will bow before you.
  • Stealing an Elder Scroll from the heavily guarded Imperial Palace.
  • Martin becoming the Avatar of Akatosh, banishing Mehrunes Dagon into Oblivion, and sealing it off forever. Once he reaches the Temple of the One in the Imperial City, he shatters the Amulet of Kings, transforms into a giant flaming dragon, and sends Mehrunes Dagon back to Oblivion before turning into a statue.
  • Oblivion's Expansion Pack has a moment that mirrors Morrowind 's Tribunal Expansion Pack, when the player kills Jyggalag, a god even stronger than Almalexia. Of course, Jyggalag being Sheogorath, this also counts as a Tear Jerker to some.
  • Completing Shivering Isles' Main Quest and becoming the new Sheogorath.
    • The scope of the Shivering Isles' awesome crowning requires an elaboration. 
    • Sheogorath's very existence, as horrifying for Jyggalag as it was, is pure awesome. The monstrously powerful God of Order gets overthrown by his brethren and cursed to become a God of Chaos? Cue the birth of Sheogorath, who's just as catastrophically insane, and the events of the Accords of Madness - each tome detailing the humiliation of each of the Princes by the lunatic they created.
  • "This individual is not to be trifled with." The game is full of people falling all over themselves to compliment you, but there's no compliment like one passed privately between foes.
  • Here's one for one of the Dark Brotherhood Quests fittingly called "Whodunnit?". Ever remember reading or hearing stories about people being trapped in a place with a killer hiding amongst them and killing them one by one? Given this is a Dark Brotherhood Mission, it stands to reason that you, the player, will be playing the murderer and you receive the bonus if you aren't found out. Not to mention the multiple ways you can manipulate people to be alone where you can pick them off or even turn them against each other is very delicious to play with.
  • Let's not forget about Knights of The Nine main quest. When a powerful Ayleid champion is going to resurrect from the depths of Oblivion to reinstall his tyranny over Tamriel in order to defeat him you have to get an armor set that's been constructed by the Eight Divines themselves! Then when you have already defeated him, Talos bestows you with the power to literally erase his soul for good.
  • The end of the Mage's Guild questline. Gameplay and Story Segregation aside, you defeat The King of Worms, the most powerful necromancer to ever live.
  • The following game reveals that the entire Argonian race pulled off an offscreen one while the Oblivion Crisis was going on. While the Proud Warrior Races were struggling to beat the Daedra back, the silly lizard guys down in Black Marsh were slaughtering the Daedra with guerrilla warfare and then sent so many counter-invading armies into Oblivion that the Daedra were forced to close their gates.
