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Awesome / Tank Fish

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The Baltic Fleet has ARRIVED!

While Tankfish's videos are mostly comedic, there are moments in them which can certainly be impressive.

Roblox Bleeding Blades: Ancient War Crimes

  • Tank manages to do a 6v1 against enemy soldiers for a phyrric victory.

Roblox Arcane Odyssey: Legend of Cannondore; Born to Ball, Forced to Brawl

  • Tank sinks a pirate ship by throwing cannonballs at it.

Roblox Space Wars: The Roblox WW3 Experience

  • During the first round, an enemy bomber tries to drop a bomb on Tank's base. While none of his teammates were able to stop the bomber itself, one of them flew their ship into the bomb, causing it to blow up a dirt-cheap light attack fighter rather than doing damage to the base.
    • The plan for the round itself was to save money for most of his team to purchase heavy cruisers, once they do, the results are just as devastating as they expected.
    • The enemy team gets this as well, using frigates to place mines in an asteroid field for the cruisers to run into and blow up on.

Roblox Airship Assault: Battlefield 0.5

  • Originally, there was a scripted sequence where Tank would spin in a circle and fire a shot at an approaching plane, and the pilot would crash to make it seem like Tank shot him. However, this scene was derailed when Tank actually hit the shot, killing the pilot for real.
    • Tank would later make 2 shots on strafing pilots during the Ambush round.
