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Awesome / Puss in Boots (2011)
aka: Puss In Boots

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  • Puss as a kitten. One moment he's tiny, cute and ignored. Next moment he's issuing a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown of a Curb-Stomp Battle of people about 4 times his size. With a wooden spoon.
  • The Dance Battler scene between Kitty and Puss, then the casual way Puss gets his sword down from the ceiling and back into his belt, by tapping his foot twice.
    • Best part has got to be when they start dancing on the ceiling, and then start dancing back down against each others' boots.
    • Even better: Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek are back together again!
  • The flying cart and Jack and Jill's cannons.
  • The Beanstalk growing. One second it’s a tiny sprout, the next? Rapidly growing out with tremendous force as it carries our heroes through the clouds.

Alternative Title(s): Puss In Boots
