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Awesome / Heartstopper (2022)

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Netflix adaption

Warning: Unmarked spoilers.

Season 1

  • Nick continually calling Harry out for his behaviour, including telling him he's homophobic on his birthday and punching him to defend Charlie.
  • After a season of Ben's bullying and abuse, Charlie beating him in the school race and giving an epic "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
    Charlie: "I understand that you're figuring out your sexuality, but you don't get to make me feel like crap anymore just because you hate yourself. So leave me alone."

Season 2

  • Charlie protecting Nick at the bonfire and telling Harry to piss off.
  • Charlie rejecting Harry's apology with a simple no, and slamming a door in his face.
  • Nick telling his brother and dad off at dinner.
  • Tori kicking the phone out of David's hand and threatening to end him if he badmouths Charlie again.
  • Charlie rejecting Ben's apology with another "Reason You Suck" Speech.
