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Awesome / Green Eggs and Ham (2019)

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Season 1


  • Sam breaking into the zoo and stealing the Chickaraffe.




  • Guy's explosive rant, explaining how he does the right thing and everything goes wrong, while Sam breaks the rules and gets away with it.


  • Sam catching Guy when he lets go of the necktie rope.


  • Guy's kvetching actually saves the day when giroosters capture EB and he starts complaining about how uncivilized they are.


  • Every so often, Guy says the actual lines he uses in the book. When confronting The Goat, he makes "I will not eat them with a goat" sound surprisingly badass.
  • The Goat sending Guy and Sam's sky bucket plummeting to the ground by cutting a circle around where it's attached to the track like he's coring a giant apple.
  • Mr. Jenkins saving Guy and Sam from the Goat. They have a very epic battle against each other as Guy and Sam watch. His howling scream before he cuts himself loose before battle, seem to surprise both Guy and Sam, as well as the Goat. Granted, as they have never seen Mr. Jenkins so angry, or angry at all. Also, seeing how Mr. Jenkins, who's usually calm and playful, getting that furious, and risking his life to save his friends, shows that he's much tougher than he looks.
    Sam: Did you know he could do that?
    Guy: You should see what he does to a hotel room.
  • Mr. Jenkins also save them from an avalanche right afterwards.
  • "Mr. Jenkins, play fetch!"
  • The investigative reporter uncovering the truth about Snerz's past. It all starts with a few armor-piercing questions and she really plays to his weaknesses (his insecurity, his desire to be bigger than he really is).


  • Sam and Guy saving themselves from the undertow of a sinking cruise liner with a briefcase.
  • Gluntz stupefying the Goat.
    • Before that, we get this badass exchange between The Goat and McWinkle where the latter subtly says that he's not going to play the former's game.
    Goat: We can do this the easy way or the hard way, amigo.
    McWinkle: I'm not your amigo, friend.
  • Guy lifting the book's signature verse and using it as a viscerally angry "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Sam.
    Sam: But you could!
    Guy: I could not, would not on a boat! (pounds the offending food) I will not, WILL NOT with a goat! I will not eat them in the rain! (hurls the meal at a wall) I will not eat them on a train! I do not like them here or there! I do not like them ANYWHERE! I DO NOT LIKE GREEN EGGS AND HAM! I DO NOT LIKE THEM, SAM! I! AM!


  • Guy abandoning his paint watching job the moment he hears EB in trouble.
  • Sam tricks Snerz by giving him a Girooster painted like a Chickeraffe, instead of the actual Mr. Jenkins.
  • Michellee and E.B. use their friendship bracelets to trap Snerz on the top of the balloon airport building.
  • The final battle with the Goat. Just when it looked like the Goat was about to bring Mr. Jenkins to Snerz, Guy decides to do something risky; to use his self-flyer invention to get to the balloon. And it actually works, as Guy straps the invention onto the Goat's back and sends him flying.
    Goat: Well, well! Looks like that flying machine of your's didn't work, compadre.
    • And just when it looks like the Goat is gonna come back for more, the self-flyer invention blows up on him.
    Goat: Nice try! But you've only made me stronger! Prepare to-!
    *the invention explodes, as the Goat falls down below*
    Guy: I built that.
