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Awesome / El Camino

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  • Skinny Pete's Heroic Sacrifice — once they realize the El Camino is tracked, he lends Badger his car, gives Jesse Badger's car, and keeps the El Camino; as shown in the trailers, this gets him arrested, but Jesse gets his freedom.
    • And Skinny's plan works like gangbusters. The only times the cops even come close to Jesse throughout the movie are when Ed calls 911 and when Jesse himself deliberately calls his parents. It pays off in the long run too, as the penultimate episode of Better Call Saul reveals that people still believe Jesse's in Mexico months later.
  • Jesse staring down the barrel of a gun while loading Todd's cash in a garbage bag. He calmly explains all the reasons why Neil isn't going to shoot him and simply proclaims that he's gathering his half of the money. Neil settles for giving Jesse 1/3rd of it, and lets him walk away.
  • We see a flashback of Jesse walking out of his motel room and to the hallway...then WALTER WHITE himself comes out of the room next door and casually strolls with Jesse. Plenty of fans across the world roared with applause at this scene as they weren't sure if they would ever see the legendary Heisenberg again after all these years.
  • When Jesse confronts Neil and Casey to get the rest of the money he needs, Neil laughs at his weapon (an underpowered .22), and confidently challenges him to a shootout over the money (his being high on cocaine probably affected his confidence). The tension builds, Neil's fingers flex.....and Jesse shoots him with a second gun hidden in his jacket. And then scoops up Neil's pistol and narrowly manages to kill Casey with his last bullet.
    • Earlier in the film, Jesse had an emotional breakdown when he thought he was going to have to kill cops and gave up. Here, when he knows that those 'cops' were actually criminals who'd helped to imprison him? He walks right into their lair, cool as a cucumber, and wins a firefight against two guys.
