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Awesome / Diablo IV

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  • Sister Octavia's third quest. Because Sister Octavia actually tries to save the lives of those who are possessed, she's liked well enough that people attack a clergyman threatening her life. Octavia proceeds to blackmail the priest in question after he threatens to have you killed for heresy.
    • Said blackmailing occurs literal moments after she'd endured being exorcised of the demon from her first and second quests. Despite everything she went through, Sister Octavia is back on her feet almost instantly, and isn't in the mood for any of this clergyman's crap.
  • The end of Act 1 sees The Wanderer facing a powerful demon, Lilith's Lament that bars their way to Rathma's Sanctuary. All seems lost until a member of the Knights Penitant appears in a hulking suit of armor to turn the tide. Unfortunately the moment turns bittersweet when the knight inside the armor is revealed to be their ally Vigo and that the armor was an Iron Maiden suit filled with sharp spikes. Once Vigo opens the suit to talk to The Wanderer he soon dies from his wounds.
  • The Cathedral Of Lights march on Hellnote , they look cool and rather intimidating even as the mass of monsters and demons barrels down on them. What's more they even do extremely well at first, especially for an army of normal humans just using plain old team work and tactics, in the heart of the Prime Evils' own turf no less. Its only after Inarius dies which causes a breaking morale and formations that the demons finally get the chance to fight back and overrun the confused fleeing knights.
