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Awesome / Cast Away

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"I... have made fire!"
WARNING! Spoilers ahead!
  • Chuck makes fire for the first time. His victory dance is hilarious, but it reflects one of the first primordial victories of man over nature after hacking away at it for however long.
  • In the Establishing Character Moment after four years on the island, Chuck, who at first struggled with spearing a crab that was right in front of him, is now able to bullseye a fish from almost twenty feet away with what seems to be a casual spear throw. Really goes to show how much he has (by necessity) honed his hunting skills after four years.
  • Chuck's escape. After four years of learning how to survive, observing ocean currents, planning, hacking away at his plan, fine-tuning, bouncing ideas off his volleyball, and finally making a go of it, Chuck braves rough seas on a bashed-together raft in order to finally get the hell off that island.
  • The whole film qualifies as a Moment of Awesome for Tom Hanks, who not only managed to carry a movie by himself for two hours — no music, no other actors, just him — but also made you cry for a volleyball.
