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Valiona2015-12-14 20:39:01

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MLLSD Chapter 30: Breaking The Bank

The chapter begins with an intentionally misleading scene showing Duck Team staging a revolt and apparently attacking the M3 Lee.

The story flashes back to one hour earlier. Duck Team practices volleyball, and, while taking a break for lunch, laments the lack of new members in spite of their participation in the tankery tournament. Shinobu proposes that the Type 89 is the problem, as well as some of the crew's antics scaring others off. Akebi suggests writing advertisements for the team on their tank, while Noriko favors shooting enemies with volleyballs, something that Taeko points out won't work (It's not as though the Type 89's gun will have much of a chance of pentetrating enemy armor with actual shells).

While two of her teammates ponder whether to go to the student council off-panel, Taeko finds a bag. They don't know whose it is, so they look for contact information inside, and find more money than they'd dreamed of in there. After the team recovers from the shock, they realize that with it, they could buy everything they wanted- new shoes, meat, a private volleyball court, more meat, volleyballs made out of gold (even considering that gold is relatively soft for a metal, it would be painful to spike) and even more meat. However, their conscience prevails, and Noriko, knowing that someone's in trouble for losing all of it, decides to return it.

All this seems like the standard plot in which people find lost money and, despite being tempted, return it, but when searching the bag, Noriko finds a gun and a ski mask. They conclude that it's from a bank robbery, and suspect that the culprits are nearby. Noriko decides to disguise herself as one with the ski mask and gun in order to give the four a chance to slip away, but runs into Gomoyo instead.

Shortly thereafter, Duck Team reveals that they abducted Gomoyo and were forced to flee when the rest of the disciplinary committee showed up. Noriko also notes that since they were about to "blow their fuse," they attacked Rabbit Team by mistake. Noriko decides to return the money to the bank herself, but since she suspects that it will be dangerous from here on out, and gives her teammates a chance to escape, but finds that all of them are willing to stick with her, and swears to keep them safe.

Unfortunately, that proves more difficult than she expected when the Anglerfish Team tank stands in their way. Noriko believes they have nothing to be afraid of now that they're together, but knows they can't defeat the Panzer IV, so she has Shinobu evade during the gap between loading shells. Before they can do anything, though, a girl in a similar ski mask pops out of the top of the tank.

The truth then comes out. The bag was a prop from the drama club, and the disciplinary committee was searching for it- Gomoyo was unable to explain this. Even the M3 Lee getting "shot" was merely engine trouble, so while Momo considers the entire affair a disaster, she's glad Duck Team didn't cause anyone trouble. Of course, they still won't reinstate the volleyball club.

All in all, this was one of the better recent MLLSD chapters, since it isn't just another stock plot involving the other schools or a seasonal story.

Next Installment: Nekota loses her memory and love of gaming, but gains an impressive talent for waitressing. How far will her friends go to get her back?

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