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Live Blogs A Loving Fan's Final Request: Critic, Let's End It Together!
Psyga3152013-10-23 20:10:24

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Critic, how could you choose your fanbase over me?

Alright, so to recap: Our hero recruits twins and a midget to his team to try and find the Moonstone. Yes. That’s right. I’m trying to make it look like Mr. N is the hero. Hey, if Linkara can do it to Bulk and Skull, I’m doing it to Mr. N. Let’s focus on his adventure.

Part 5 of 9

Quick, N, to the Midget Mobile! {transition} Dun-nananananananananananana Midget! Anyways, Agatha prepares for the Gathering. Welp, she better bring that katana. Oh, and those two boys break their façade, and the parents do the sensible thing and CALL THE COPS! Yes! FINALLY! Parents who aren’t fucking useless! I mean, yeah, I haven’t encountered a lot of useless parents in my liveblogging, but compared to not trying to save your kids from a wolf attack or telling your daughter to “do bad things” which results in a whole heap of problems, they’re actually the parents who actually do something!

Anyways, the twins arrive at the gathering, and they pull the old Jedi Mind Trick on one of the guards. This was where I snapped during the Pooh’s Adventures liveblog and I skipped a huge chunk of the movie. The Gathering. Oh, and hey, Title Drop. {chug} Soon, this turns into something else entirely and, like another certain movie, it would probably benefit more if we made the villains the good guys. Then again, I said they’d benefit more if they made Mr. N and Oscar the heroes instead...

And hearing Agatha’s speech without that Koopa King bogging it down helps in seeing this movie in a new light instead of seeing it with Pooh attached to it like it’s a flea. The awesomeness that is Brother Grimsby comes in. Again, if they were the heroes, they’d probably be better. I’ll explain why later. Basically, Oscar and N come in a disguise, and offer to double the power of the Moonstone, but in reality, they would steal it. Of course, after singing Witch Doctor, they are caught.

Tune in next time as I begin to watch a huge chunk of the film I missed due to me raging so much last time around.

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